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Here is a message from Tulsi Gabbard, sent by the Sanders institute.

Comrades might be interested in this message from Tulsi Gabbard sent around
by the Sanders Institute.

For those who aren't familiar with Tulsi Gabbard, she is the epitome of a
21st. century cold war liberal. She is a supporter of Neandro Modi and a
Hindu sectarian and-Muslim bigot. Although Sanders, too, supports the
racist state of Israel, he at least is slightly critical of them whereas
Gabbard is not. She visited India where she was closely associated with the
RSS, which is a semi-fascist if not outright fascist wing of the BJP. She
appeared with the far right Israel supporter, Sheldon Adelson. Here
an article detailing her role. Gabbard also has worked closely with Trump
as far as his foreign policy and traveled to Syria (along with another
liberal icon, Dennis Kucinich). While there, she reportedly was a guest
the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, which is an outright fascist party.

Unlike in the legal world, in politics guilt by association does hold. We
see how Sanders is completely unprincipled as far as whom he associates
with. Once again, I'm sure the socialists who support Sanders will ignore
this sort of thing. And this they call "principled".

John Reimann
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tulsi Gabbard, The Sanders Institute <i...@sandersinstitute.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 1:50 PM
Subject: DACA
To: 1999wild...@gmail.com

[image: Our Revolution]

Aloha Friend,

For so long, young people who came to this country as kids through no
choice of their own, have been forced to live in the shadows, too afraid to
come forward because they don't trust that our government won't come after
them. Even after DACA was put in place, so many were too afraid to apply
because if the program got taken away, the government would know where they
live and could go after them and their families.

But 800,000 young people in this country took that leap of faith, applied
for DACA, and have relied on it to obtain an education, earn a living, and
establish themselves in our communities.

The current administration's decision on Tuesday to end DACA leaves them
feeling betrayed and afraid after they put their trust in our government.

Last week on Maui, I sat down with some of Hawaii’s DREAMers and heard
their stories about living every day in fear of deportation until DACA was
put into effect. They shared their stories of the opportunity and freedom
they have experienced because of DACA, and the fear of uncertainty that now
lies before them, with the prospects of their government targeting them and
forcing them to leave the only home they’ve ever known.

This is not a partisan issue. It's an issue that affects communities all
across this country. DACA’s termination is a call for Congress to act now.
We should take this opportunity to actually fix the problem once and for
all and provide a permanent solution for these DREAMers, so they are not
forced back into the shadows.

I have had many conversations with people about this issue. I have spoken
with those that support DACA, and those that do not support it. However,
the most important part of any conversation about immigration and DACA is
to be informed with the facts.

*What is DACA?*
DACA is a temporary program instituted by President Barack Obama that
defers immigration action and provides relief from deportation for people
who were brought into the United States as children and gives them a work

*Who is eligible for DACA?*
The people who apply for and receive DACA must meet a number of
requirements, including: they were under the age of 16 when they were
brought into the U.S., they have lived most of their lives here, they are
in school or have graduated or are an honorably discharged member of the
military, they have not been convicted of a felony, a significant
misdemeanor, or three or more misdemeanors.

*How many people have DACA?*
There are around 800,000 recipients of DACA right now in the U.S.

*What can I do?*
At the Sanders Institute, we believe that being informed, engaged, and
involved in the discussion about an issue and a policy like DACA are the
first crucial steps.

*Visit the Sanders Institute to learn more about DACA, sanctuary cities,
and other immigration issues.*

Thank you for staying engaged,

Tulsi Gabbard
Sanders Institute Fellow



The Sanders Institute is a pending 501(c)(3) organization.

131 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401

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