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> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW <h-rev...@lists.h-net.org>
> Date: June 12, 2020 at 10:30:58 AM EDT
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff <revh...@mail.h-net.org>
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-LatAm]:  Hicks on Hynson, 'Laboring for the State: 
> Women, Family, and Work in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1971'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Rachel Hynson.  Laboring for the State: Women, Family, and Work in 
> Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1971.  Cambridge  Cambridge University 
> Press, 2020.  332 pp.  $39.99 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-107-18867-9.
> Reviewed by Anasa Hicks (Florida State University)
> Published on H-LatAm (June, 2020)
> Commissioned by Casey M. Lurtz
> It is an exciting time to study the Cuban Revolution: in the last ten 
> years, scholars like Lillian Guerra, Devyn Spence-Benson, Michelle 
> Chase, and Elise Andaya have all broken new ground in excavating the 
> historical roots and consequences of the 1959 takeover of Cuba by 
> radical young nationalists. Rachel Hynson's new book, _Laboring for 
> the State: Women, Family, and Work in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1971, 
> _is an excellent addition to this growing body of literature that 
> challenges both the chronology and the content of the Cuban 
> government's own narrative of its revolution. Hynson's use of the 
> Cuban family as a unit of analysis offers a fresh perspective on the 
> transformations of the 1960s, revealing previously obscured conflicts 
> between and choices of the Cuban government and the island's 
> citizens. The revelation that the (seemingly) personal is political 
> is old. But Hynson's chapters on abortion, marriage, sex work and 
> "unconventional employment" dig into the aphorism, improving our 
> understanding of revolutionary Cuba and offering a methodological 
> path forward for other historical studies. 
> _Laboring for the State _argues that between 1959 and 1971, the 
> revolutionary Cuban government engaged in social engineering to 
> remodel Cuban families. The ideal "New Family," an extension of 
> Ernesto "Che" Guevara's vision of Cuba's "New Man," would help push 
> forward Cuba's new socialist agenda. Opponents to Fidel Castro's rule 
> have often accused the Cuban revolutionary government of seeking to 
> destroy the biological family and replace it with Communist control, 
> but Hynson demonstrates that an unwavering belief in the Eurocentric 
> patriarchal two-parent family actually undergirded many policies in 
> the 1960s. Conflict arose between government and citizens when Cubans 
> rejected the standards of familial legitimacy upon which the new 
> government insisted. In four thematic chapters, each covering the 
> same twelve-year period, Hynson explores how the revolutionary 
> government attempted to link labor to morality and regulate both: 
> specifically, she argues that the Cuban government attempted to shape 
> Cuban men into their families' primary wage-earners and criminalize 
> reliance on female wages. It is no coincidence that in the same time 
> period, the Cuban revolutionary government transitioned from a 
> democratic to an authoritarian method of governance. 
> Hynson brilliantly teases out the racial implications of the policies 
> she describes. Fidel Castro declared anti-black racism "finished" in 
> Cuba after 1961; as a result, explicit references to racial 
> distinctions or racial tension can be difficult to find in sources 
> after 1961. But Hynson expertly extrapolates the racial undertones of 
> revolutionary policy from less than obvious sources. In her first 
> chapter, for example, Hynson describes early efforts to regulate 
> women's reproductive activity. In 1964 the Cuban government 
> introduced intrauterine devices from Chile to Havana's shantytowns 
> and to Manzanillo, Santiago, Guantánamo, and other eastern cities. 
> Both locations had high concentrations of Afro-Cuban women, and 
> Hynson argues that the focus on those locales "illustrates the degree 
> to which women of color may have been the targets of government 
> control over women's reproduction" (p. 75). In the second chapter, 
> Hynson notes that efforts to force Cubans into legitimate legal 
> marriages were the least prominent in Oriente province, where the 
> population of black Cubans was higher. The Cuban government has a 
> long history of excessive interest in the reproductive and conjugal 
> activity of African-descended people. By cross-referencing Cuba's 
> racialized geography with revolutionary policy, Hynson demonstrates 
> how that tradition extended into the 1960s. 
> Cuban citizens' counternarrative to the government's grand narrative 
> of the revolution is a key element of _Laboring for the State's_ 
> argument. Often, Cubans expressed and disseminated their 
> counternarratives through _bolas, _or rumors, and Hynson's excavation 
> of these _bolas _is another impressive achievement of the book. 
> Rumors spread in the early 1960s that the government had criminalized 
> abortions; in the mid-1960s that a forced labor camp had emerged on 
> the Guanhacabibes peninsula in western Cuba; in the late 1960s that 
> weddings would be prohibited. At the core of each of these rumors was 
> a kernel of truth, and each of the rumors forced some kind of 
> government action. Scholars of the Caribbean have long known that 
> rumors play an essential role in social and political life; _Laboring 
> for the State _shows how _bolas _served as a form of resistance to 
> state narratives and state repression. 
> Hynson concludes that by the Cuban government's own standards, 
> revolutionary efforts to shape a "New Family" failed: today divorce 
> and abortion rates in Cuba are among the highest in the world, and 
> prostitution is as rampant as it was before 1959. Revolutionary 
> officials insist that the failure is due to Cubans' insufficient 
> dedication to the revolution, but Hynson argues that it is the fault 
> of the government itself. In forcing narrow and Eurocentric visions 
> of work and family onto Cubans, the government all but ensured that 
> citizens would resist. In her conclusion, she notes that Cubans who 
> find work outside of the state apparatus, who engage in sex work, who 
> are common-law married but not legally married function without 
> knowledge of the historical legacies of their practices. This is on 
> purpose: Hynson echoes Lillian Guerra's formulation of the Cuban 
> Revolution as a palimpsest, whereby the government constantly erases 
> their past actions to inscribe _new _policies, insisting that the 
> past action did not happen or is now irrelevant. 
> _Laboring for the State _undoes the palimpsest. Its granular history 
> of the evolution of state policy toward the Cuban family makes it 
> impossible to ignore the historical roots of what the government sees 
> as "problems" today. Hynson's deconstruction of propaganda and rumors 
> and reconstruction of the likely truth is a valuable project in a 
> country whose government so highly values history, and where disputes 
> over _what really happened_ take on monumental political importance. 
> Drawing on varied and fascinating sources, Hynson has written a 
> social history of the first twelve years of revolutionary Cuba, and 
> explained to her audience how those years shaped Cuba today. Students 
> of the revolution in Cuba and social upheaval elsewhere would do well 
> to follow her impressive example. 
> Citation: Anasa Hicks. Review of Hynson, Rachel, _Laboring for the 
> State: Women, Family, and Work in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1971_. 
> H-LatAm, H-Net Reviews. June, 2020.
> URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=54947
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 
> Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States 
> License.
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