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Recently, in a second hand bookstore, I picked up a copy of My Russia, The 
Political Autobiography of Gennady Zyuganov.  
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gennady_Zyuganov  Here I share some excerpts with 
                        ken h

According to some sources, America made a $200 net profit on every Russian 
killed during World War II.  By 1945 America owned 50 percent of the world's 
gold currency reserves.
(While I cannot attest to the accuracy of this claim, I can certainly 
acknowledge the titanic effort of the people of the USSR to defeat Nazi 
Germany.  kh)

p. 39
It is a fact of world history, rather than an invention of the originators of 
the Russian idea, that Russia has been a guardian - in the highest and most 
humane sense - of Europe and Asia and of the whole world. No other country 
could take its place.

pp. 83 - 84
For centuries Russia has considered itself destined to show the world the 
treasures of the human spirit as reflected in personal life, family traditions, 
the social system and the form of the state.  Over many centuries, this idea 
has taken on diverse philosophical, religious and ideological forms.  It 
inspired the creators of the universal formula "Moscow as the Third Rome" 
expressed in the severe, courageous, and ascetic colors of Russian Orthodoxy.  
Later, garbed in the trinity of the Russian Empire's motto - "Orthodoxy, 
Autocracy, Nationality" - this idea rallied under the majestic arch of the 
Russian state "the score of tongues" forming the unified family of Russian 
Fighters for the nation's happiness were inspired by it, and after October 1917 
its life-giving breath kept the national soul together in spite of ideologists 
of a "permanent revolution" - cynical cosmopolitans who looked who looked upon 
Russia as only a base for instigating a world-wide conflagration.  It helped us 
get through times of cold and famine, destruction and hostile international 
actions.  It helped us achieve a glorious victory in a most bloody war and then 
re-create that great power on the ruins of which renegades, traitors and 
Russophobes are feeding today.

p. 121
The revolution of 1917 was a natural result of the crisis that affected all 
aspects of state life and national self-awareness.  From the moment of its 
emergence, the new state - the USSR - had to struggle with serious 
contradictions.  On the one hand, the huge historical inertia of the Russian 
state system and its great power tradition of national self-awareness steadily 
pushed the Soviet Union to accept the geopolitical role that Russia had 
historically played.  On the other hand, the sharp beak with thousand-year-long 
state and spiritual traditions, the categorical denial of historical 
continuity, a wholesale disparagement of old ideals, and a persistent nihilism 
in relation to national values had an extremely negative effect on our 
country's development.
The situation changed significantly with the beginning of the Great Patriotic 
War.  An appeal to patriotism and to the historical traditions of Russia 
provided the drive for our victory over Germany.  The unprecedently rapid 
reconstruction of our war devastated economy was based on a conscious shift in 
domestic policy toward the recognition of national values and the rejection of 
dogmatic utopian myths, official Russophobia, and the shameless antichurch 

p. 165
The struggle of various criminal clans to divide and redivide their spoils is 
the real cause of conflicts like the one in Chechnya.
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