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In this year of our vainglorious buffoonish Lord Trump, it seems a quip
from the old girl about another old bastard might be apt

"In a book called Leaders, Nixon praises de Gaulle, from whom he learned
two lessons. First, power accrues to the ruler whose actions are
unpredictable. Although this tactic might work at a local level for the
leader of a minor country, such a system of unexpectedness on the part of
the emperor of the West could send what is known euphemistically as the
Wrong Signal to the emperor of the East, in which case there would never be
enough shovels to protect us from the subsequent nuclear rain... The
second—more practical—lesson was in de Gaulle’s view that nations are
nations, and while political systems come and go, national interests
continue for millennia. Like every good and bad American, Nixon knows
almost no history of any kind. But he was quick to pick up on the fact that
the Russians and the Chinese each have a world view that has nothing at all
to do with communism, or whatever happens to be the current official name
for Heaven’s Mandate... Nixon proceeded to do the unexpected. He buried the
hatchet with the Son of Heaven, Mao, by going to see him—as is proper for
the Barbarian from beyond the Four Seas if he wishes to enjoy the patronage
of the Lord of the Middle Kingdom. Then, from this position of strength,
Nixon paid a call on the Czar of all the Russians, whose mouth, to say the
least, was somewhat ajar at what Nixon had done in China."

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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