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John Lewis, long time civil rights icon and then member of the House of
Representatives has died. Many on the left will remember him for his role
as an establishment liberal. I remember him differently.
I first saw John Lewis in a small meeting of civil rights activists in New
York City back in the early 1960s. I don’t remember his words, but I
remember his demeanor – more like an aura. He spoke very quietly and
seriously. You could see that he meant every word that he said.
But my clearest memory of John Lewis was from the famous 1963 March on
Washington. (Here
my memory of that march.) That was the speech at which Martin Luther King
gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. It was all very good to this then
17 year old. But what really gripped me was the speech of John Lewis –
clear, sharp and brimming with anger. He criticized the then-pending Civil
Rights Act and the Democratic Party. “Where is our party?” he demanded.
See rest of article an link to that speech here:

*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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