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This was written over a decade ago by Yassamine Mather, a prominent figure
in the Fedayeen (Minority) in Iran, who now lives in Britain.

"The month of September is known in the Iranian exile calendar as the month
to commemorate one of the biggest mass executions of political prisoners in
the Islamic republic’s period of power. This year is the 20th anniversary
of the massacre in 1988.* The figures are very inaccurate, but I think the
government admits that probably 15,000 socialists, communists and some from
the Mujahedin were killed in prison. This was ayatollah Khomeini taking his
revenge on the Iranian left following his defeat in the war against Saddam

"These were not the only working class partisans killed in the prisons of
the islamic republic, of course: thousands had already been executed since
1980 and many more died in Kurdistan. What is sad about this is not just
that so many thousands gave their lives for socialism and Marxism, but
there have been very few lessons learned from. . ."

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