Re: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I skimmed the articles, and then did a search for "alibaba logistics,"
alibaba being China's e-commerce giant.
Commentators on the latter's growth in size and scope point to advantages
similar to those enjoyed by Amazon in terms of using data to become a
service provider to companies big and small looking to outsource many kinds
of function.
For instance:
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Re: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Great set of links, thanks!
I agree that the algorithms, factors, variables, etc. etc. would all be
dramatically different. The question is does the hardware and math involved
make socialist calculation qualitatively more feasible?
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Re: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-26 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism

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is there any reason to believe that the database calculations used for 
amazon/whole-foods would in any way be useful for in-kind calculations 
based on physical, non-monetary variables?

i'd be curious myself to see what can be learned about Amazon/WF 
logistics and algorithms, but i have this funny feeling their whole 
computational flow is based on lowest cost or highest profit to amazon, 
with delivery time as secondary factor. i also doubt we will see actual 
algorithms in use save for what they are willing to put into patents or 
academic papers.

a little googling to get a sense of the big picture and a place to start.

logistics:   (distributed transport/delivery)


algorithms (some pieces are known, somewhat):


On 06/26/2017 01:51 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

I've mentioned here and on Facebook the relevance of the logistics
revolution - most recently manifested in the Amazon/Whole Foods merger - to
these questions by virtue of the computing power behind them. It would be
good IMO to get details on this, for instance what computer programs and
mathematical tools are used by leaders in the field for their just-in-time
stocking, their next day delivery, etc. etc.

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Re: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-26 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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All very useful, thanks Jim and John.

I've mentioned here and on Facebook the relevance of the logistics
revolution - most recently manifested in the Amazon/Whole Foods merger - to
these questions by virtue of the computing power behind them. It would be
good IMO to get details on this, for instance what computer programs and
mathematical tools are used by leaders in the field for their just-in-time
stocking, their next day delivery, etc. etc.

All of this, of course, must be coupled with the reminder that it's not
always rocket science needed. In the article Louis forwarded on Johnston -
and another Times article this weekend on why men won't take nursing jobs
(the punchline of the author: because they suck) - it's clear to those who
want clarity that you don't need even a PC to figure out how to shift
resources from manufacturing to care work.
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Re: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-26 Thread John A Imani via Marxism
 and even different quantities of those different
products can be chosen from the myriad of possibilities so as to achieve
maximal results from minimal inputs.

The point of all this (and the point of Cockshott's paper, I believe) is
that with the collapsing of capitalism--happening now before our eyes and,
unfortunately, not being assisted or hastened in its destruction to any
meaningful extent by any great proletarian upsurge--can and must be
assisted by the development of a socialist economic program that would
detail how and with what and in what manners and ways can the existing
economic substructure be adapted to the production of the necessary (and
then even the desirable) human means of consumption and of those means of
production necessary to facilitate this. This--again to my way of
thinking--is in league with Marx' expositions of the nature, operation and
laws of the fundamentals and the flaws of the capitalist system; only that
Cockshott's exposition is prescriptive while Capital, et al are, as
valuable as they are, remain merely descriptive; for they both are intended
to be armaments fashioned to aid and be utilized by the working class in
its historical mission to eliminate class. The one points to the sources of
the problems; the other to their solutions.  Cockshott's ideas on such a
transitional socialist economy and its workings are fleshed out fully in
his (and Allin F Cottrel's "Towards a New Socialism".  (

We must discuss and develop and introduce into the popular social discourse
the ways and means, the methods and manner, the program by which a
socialist commonwealth--with the ultimate goal of global communism--can not
only function but itself be amenable and adaptable to change with the
ever-changing needs and desires of its constituents, the human race.


Message: 3

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2017 03:42:56 GMT
From: "Jim Farmelant" 
Subject: [Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the
Soviet Union
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

In the Soviet Union, the economics profession was divided into two
branches: the political economists and the mathematical economists, with
the great majority of Soviet economists being political economists. The
political economists were trained mostly in the work of Marx & Engels,
Lenin, and their successors. Most of them did not have much mathematical
training and their published research made little use of mathematics. The
mathematical economists on the other hand were trained very proficiently in
higher mathematics and their work was very technical in nature. The
mathematician and economist Leonid Kantarovich was one of the founding
fathers of the Soviet school of mathematical economists and he would win
both the Order of Lenin Medal and later the Nobel Prize in economics for
his work as one of the founders of linear programming. One of their
concerns was to try to make Soviet economic planning more rational and to
that end they introduced a variety of optimization techniques which
implicitly or explicitly relied upon marginalist economic ideas. So that
way, a lot of neoclassical-type economic thinking was brought into the
Soviet Union.

Oskar Lange in a 1945 piece, Marxian Economics in the Soviet Union, which
appeared in the American Economic Review, took note of the Soviet debates
that were going on then over the law of value and whether this law is
operative under socialism. Lange was of the opinion that this law is
operative under socialism and on that basis he argued for the adoption of
marginalist economic analysis as a tool for making socialist economic
planning more rational. A few years later, Stalin came around to a somewhat
similar position in his pamphlet, Economic Problems of the USSR. People
like Lange would then cite Stalin's work as a basis for their own advocacy
of economic reforms in the socialist bloc countries.

One of my FB friends, Barkley Rosser, has said of his Russian-born wife,
Marina Rosser, who was trained as an economist in the Soviet Union:

"There was a split between "political economy" and the more mathematical
"cybernetics." She went through both, meaning she knows her Marx more than
you or Doug Henwood or even Paul Cockshott do by a country mile, She can
cite chapter and verse all the way down to the most minute detail any of
you can come up with,, and in her heyday before the KGB arrested and
tortured her she had access to the Marx-Engels library, which still exists,
which was only accessible to very high level people like her who also did
major translations of foreign authors, She learned western econ through
courses on "Bourgeous theories of economics," some of these taught 

[Marxism] Mathematical economics and political economy in the Soviet Union

2017-06-24 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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In the Soviet Union, the economics profession was divided into two branches: 
the political economists and the mathematical economists, with the great 
majority of Soviet economists being political economists. The political 
economists were trained mostly in the work of Marx & Engels, Lenin, and their 
successors. Most of them did not have much mathematical training and their 
published research made little use of mathematics. The mathematical economists 
on the other hand were trained very proficiently in higher mathematics and 
their work was very technical in nature. The mathematician and economist Leonid 
Kantarovich was one of the founding fathers of the Soviet school of 
mathematical economists and he would win both the Order of Lenin Medal and 
later the Nobel Prize in economics for his work as one of the founders of 
linear programming. One of their concerns was to try to make Soviet economic 
planning more rational and to that end they introduced a variety of 
optimization techniques whi
 ch implicitly or explicitly relied upon marginalist economic ideas. So that 
way, a lot of neoclassical-type economic thinking was brought into the Soviet 

Oskar Lange in a 1945 piece, Marxian Economics in the Soviet Union, which 
appeared in the American Economic Review, took note of the Soviet debates that 
were going on then over the law of value and whether this law is operative 
under socialism. Lange was of the opinion that this law is operative under 
socialism and on that basis he argued for the adoption of marginalist economic 
analysis as a tool for making socialist economic planning more rational. A few 
years later, Stalin came around to a somewhat similar position in his pamphlet, 
Economic Problems of the USSR. People like Lange would then cite Stalin's work 
as a basis for their own advocacy of economic reforms in the socialist bloc 

One of my FB friends, Barkley Rosser, has said of his Russian-born wife, Marina 
Rosser, who was trained as an economist in the Soviet Union:

"There was a split between "political economy" and the more mathematical 
"cybernetics." She went through both, meaning she knows her Marx more than you 
or Doug Henwood or even Paul Cockshott do by a country mile, She can cite 
chapter and verse all the way down to the most minute detail any of you can 
come up with,, and in her heyday before the KGB arrested and tortured her she 
had access to the Marx-Engels library, which still exists, which was only 
accessible to very high level people like her who also did major translations 
of foreign authors, She learned western econ through courses on "Bourgeous 
theories of economics," some of these taught by westerners such as the late 
Lynn Turgeon who was the person who was responsible for us meeting, who gave me 
her phone number when I went in 1984 to Moscow and met her. He gave her away in 
our wedding, and I remain grateful to him, and we wrote a published paper with 
others about his work later. She had the best English of any of his students
  at MGU, and translated his lectures into English, which were later published 
as a book. After she got out she worked at the Institiitute for International 
Economics and Relations (IMEMOE, I might have its precise title wrong, although 
it still exists) which in the old days advised the Central Committee of the 
CPSU, and she was involved with its 25 year planning activity when I arrived in 
1984 to disrupt her Soviet economic career, BTW, one of her students after she 
started working at IMEMO was the current Chair of the Russian Central Bank, 
and, well, enough for now..."

Jim Farmelant 
Learn or Review Basic Math

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