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One reason I was always a little skeptical about the belief that Sanders
could bring out a whole new layer of voters was my own personal experience:
I was active for many years in the Carpenters Union. For many of those
years I ran for office. In my local, about 10-15% of the membership
actually bothered to vote. I ran insurgent campaigns against the
established leadership. I spoke to a lot of the issues that the members
were concerned about on the job. Most times, I ran as part of a slate of
candidates. We never succeeded in getting any significant increased turnout
in elections (although I did win about half or more of the elections I ran
in). But here's something else: In 1999 we had the big rank and file
wildcat strike. Some 2,000 carpenters wildcatted. Attendance at union
meetings went up about 10 times over. I am certain that if there had been a
local election at that time, when the mood was hot, that we would have seen
a similar increase in the number of members who came out to vote. In other
words, it's action that inspires voting, not the other way round.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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