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Hi folks,

Another busy time at Redline, the pro-worker / anti-capitalist blog.

The most recent article we've stuck up is veteran trade union activist Don
Franks' on why and how we need to wreck National's plan to take away
workers' guaranteed tea breaks:

Please do email the url for Don's article to as many people as you can.
Workers and unions can't keep rolling over; we have to start drawing some
lines in the sand.

Tony Norfield looks at some aspects of modern capitalism's dependence on
never-ending credit and the problems this leads to:

>From the vaults, we have a 2007 article from a journal many of us were
involved in; the article looks at the recent history of left-wing workers'
protests at Labour Party conferences:

Michael Roberts reviews four new books from inside and outside the British
and US establishment, looking at how The Establishment (the ruling class)
rules, changes since the GFC, and Marx:

We review Arundhati Roy's book 'Capitalism: a ghost story':

Links to a chunk of our articles about the state of the working class in NZ
are here:

And don't forget our symposium on the left and the way forward after the
2014 elections.
Contribution 1, The Mana Movement and the left:
Contribution 2, What is to be done about the radical left in New Zealand:
Contribution 3:

Lastly, on the ebola 'crisis':

When you read stuff on Redline, please do consider leaving comments.

And if you know anyone who might like to get a weekly update on material on
the blog, email me their email address.

for the Redline Collective
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