Re: [Marxism] Sanders is no longer an issue

2020-03-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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We know it with all the certainty we can know anything that hasn't happened
yet.  (They're just this minute announcing Bloomberg's out of it, which
means that all of the anti-Sanders eggs are in the Biden basket.)

The media had wall-to-wall Biden promotion to stop Sanders since Nevada.
It worked and there's no reason to expect that it will not use it again if
the campaign threatens a Biden coronation.  Conversely, the more the
Sanders campaigns tries to fight back, the more it is going to be
represented as being divisive and ultimately helpful to Trump's reelection.

Indeed, if, as it seems, Trump will get a second term, I'm certain the
Democratic pundits--and the various Republican pundits standing in for them
on cable "news"--will blame Sanders for damaging the campaign, just as they
blamed him for the defeat in 2016.  (You want to be a Democratic stand-in
for Nader, you will get the heat for it.)

There remains, of course, a chance for Biden to self-destruct with some
thoughtlessly tossed off rambling bit of offensiveness, but remember that
we've already seen this with statements that should have outraged black
voters . . . and some dismissiveness towards women.  But remember how this
worked with Trump?  We seem to be in an age where old white guys doing
self-destructive things in the national spotlight aren't going to
self-destruct if they're not presented or perceived as such.

I don't know where old tigers go to best fight this, my friend.  :-)
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Re: [Marxism] Sanders is no longer an issue

2020-03-04 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I dont want to appear snarky but I don't believe we KNOW ANYTHING about
what will happen in the Democratic Party nominating fight ---

Also --- as an aside --- even if there is a 99.9% chance that Biden will
beat Bernie for the nomination, it is STILL WORTH IT to fight like tigers
to support Bernie ---
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[Marxism] Sanders is no longer an issue

2020-03-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 The Democratic outcome is clear after last night.

The DNC won't have to pull much sleight-of-hand with superdelegates, etc.
The media beat the drum constantly for Biden after Sanders won Nevada.
With Bloomberg as a backstop, they threw everything into stopping Sanders
by reviving a viable Biden campaign.  Last night, Biden was reechoing the
promises of Sanders and Warren, despite the record of the Obama-Biden
administration on health care--and the free community college talk.  Using
older Southern black voters as a cudgel, they remade Biden's record
advocating mass incarceration, etc. into that of an old civil rights

Enough of the electorate fell for it--or figured that most of their peers
would go for it anyway and that it was time to unite the party base . . .
Or the effort successfully demoralized enough of the voters to whom the
Sanders campaign appealed--the young and those who had topped voting or
never voted because of a very realistic skepticism of the corporate shell
game.  (Yes, in the end, disenfranchisement has always been a bipartisan
strategy, differing only in terms of who they sought to disenfranchise.)

The outcome can be no great surprise, given the nature of the two-party
system.  The way it functions predisposes the outside party not to oppose
the party with power so much as to try to mirror what it thinks made that
party successful.  So you get months of worthless self-congratulatory
kabuki about diversity to produce an old white salesman who'll be near 90
if he gets two terms in the White House.

Biden was and is the closest the Democratic party could come to mirroring
Trump.  He's even got the same predisposition to making strange public
gaffes that followers actually embrace as a kind of endearing grandfatherly
confusion, (a trait that is all the more entertaining of those followers
because it maddens those who are not his followers). Too, as with Trump,
the great groundswell is a media creation.

The issue is no longer what the Sanders campaign might do, could do, would
have done, hoped to do, etc.   All that's very abstract right now, because
the relations of power are such at this point that he will not be overtake
the orchestrated Biden momentum.

The question is actually not whether we should vote for Sanders but for

Mark L..
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