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The separation of children from their illegally migrant parents in the USA
is seen as an aberrant and inhumane deviation from American tenderness for
the family. This orphaning, as a matter of policy, is not “who we are,” as
many liberals and some conservatives despairingly say.

But in many ways it is, and indeed, has long been. For the state, in the
United States and earlier in Britain, has been a formidable creator of
orphans. Perhaps this helps to explain the ambiguity in the attitude to the
orphan: great display is made of theoretical pity and piety, but the way
such children have been actually treated has frequently been punitive and
repressive. Whether in orphanages, asylums, schools or other receptacles
for those guilty of losing their parents, the extent of abuse by those in
whose power such unfortunates have fallen is only now becoming clear.

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