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This is quite a complicated one.  On the one hand, I think the Gates really
do want to end malaria and poverty and so on and, in the absence of an
alternative to capitalism, their capitalist charitable work is inevitable.

On the other hand, what they're doing in India can't be disentangled from
imperialism and will have the result of strengthening its hold over the
country and helping deepen capitalist penetration into more areas of the
country.  And, of course, there is actually a substantial revolutionary
movement in India, in the form of a reborn/reconsolidated huge current
which identifies as Maoist, although in my view its politics are quite
different from those people in the past have often associated with Maoism.

Plus there is something obscene about the Gates Foundation headquarters.
It is like a liberal, green, politically-correct version of the Versailles
palace of Louis XVI.

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