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"It’s not just that Fauci is hogging Trump’s spotlight. He’s also on a
collision course with Trump, as has been every single other “adult in the
room”. James Mattis? Gone. H.R. McMaster? Gone. Rex Tillerson? Gone. John
Kelly? Gone. These were the people in the Trump administration who had
built up a genuine base of their own and who were capable of and tried to
look out for the interests of the US capitalist class, rather than just
parroting the line of the senile and raging narcissist Donald Trump. And
because they had their own base – either in the military or in the broader
capitalist class or elsewhere, they were able to and in fact had to stand
up to Trump....

"Workers, however, should have no illusions in Fauci. Basically, what he
represents is the view of what is called “econ-modernism.” That is the view
that capitalist society can make up for its rape of the planet by ever new
and better technology. In this case, as oaklandsocialist has explained in
our article on Coronavirus, capitalism and the forces of nature, the real
basis of the crisis is how capitalism interacts with and violates the
natural world. Fauci’s sole solution is development of a vaccine as well as
other medical treatments. He also ignores the frequent link between
infectious diseases and environmental factors that weaken the immune
system. In this case, what he represents is what appears to be the more
sane wing of the capitalist class vs. the senile and insane approach of the
other wing and of Trump himself."


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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