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New from Linux Beach:

     counterpunch delivers another low blow to the Syria people

Given the great amount of death and destruction that has taken place in Syria since pro-democracy protesters first took to the streets in their millions in March 2011, more than a quarter million killed, perhaps a million injured, and the major cities so destroyed by artillery and aerial bombardment that half the population is homeless and millions have fled the country, the major media has done a very good job of hiding the carnage from us. Everyday, sometimes dozens, sometimes hundreds, are killed across Syria from barrel-bombs, rockets, artillery, tank fire and snipers, but rarely does it even make the back pages, let alone the headlines. This is the Internet age. The age of instant communications and cameras everywhere, and what could arguably be called the first holocaust of the 21th century is going on and the deaths aren't reported, even while regularly the totals are jumped by another ten thousand. Even *Amy Goodman*'s /"War and Peace Report"/ spent less than 90 seconds reporting on this massacre, spread between two shows.

*More...* <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2015/08/counterpunch-delivers-another-low-blow.html>*
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