[Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread Ian Pace
I'm looking for recommendations for literature on the growth of Maoism in the West, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. In particular, any material giving some idea of how much information on life in Mao's China was known in the West during this period would be of great interest. Not just

Re: [Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread Richard Fidler
You might start with back issues of Monthly Review, which was pretty keen on Mao's Cultural Revolution -- although they are loathe to admit it now, as they celebrate their various anniversaries. -Original Message- From: marxism-bounces+rfidler_8=sympatico...@lists.econ.utah.edu

Re: [Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread farmela...@juno.com
I don't know if Ian is interested in looking at the history of French Maoism but the following interview with Badiou looks interesting. Badiou is probably one of the few contemporary French intellectuals who would still accept the label of Maoist. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, lots of

Re: [Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
Ian Pace wrote: I'm looking for recommendations for literature on the growth of Maoism in the West, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. In particular, any material giving some idea of how much information on life in Mao's China was known in the West during this period would be of great

Re: [Marxism] The National Equality March: A New Generation of Protesters

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.insidehighered.com/views/mclemee/mclemee262 Intellectual Affairs New Civil Rights Movement October 14, 2009 By Scott McLemee In the weeks leading up to the National Equality March -- held in Washington this past Sunday -- I found myself in the awkward position, for a straight person,

Re: [Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread Ian Pace
Thanks for all suggestions so far. The context for this is a projected paper/article (just in the planning/abstract stage at the moment) looking at various composers explicitly engaging with Maoist ideas in their work, primarily Cornelius Cardew. But I'm interested in anything on the reception

Re: [Marxism] Overproduction - underconsumption

2009-10-14 Thread Marv Gandall
Artesian writes: ...so I wouldn't rush out and buy shares in Baosteel based on the WSA article, know what I mean? == Jeez, Artesian, anyone following your investment advice would have been short China and long the US market since 2000, and we know where they'd

[Marxism] Forwarded on MR and Maoism

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
(Ethan, please use PLAIN TEXT in the future. This bounced because it was sent in HTML.) Subject: Re: [Marxism] Literature on Western Maoism From: Ethan Young ethanyo...@earthlink.net Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:14:41 -0400 (EDT) To: marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Monthly Review does not hide its

Re: [Marxism] Statement against Government of India ’s planned military offensive in adivasi-populated regi ons

2009-10-14 Thread Rajesh Roy
Naxalites experiencing widening support ? I would strongly counter that view.. If you look at Andrha Pradesh, they have been routed from there.. these people survive by the barrel of the gun, and by terrorizing innocent people in far-fetched villages.. if they believe that India can be

[Marxism] The Trial of Israel's Campus Critics

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/22874 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] IMF style austerity in the works for the USA?

2009-10-14 Thread brad bauerly
This article has a lot of flaws but at least it does not fall for the inter-imperialist rivalry within the G-20 and over the US dollar nonsense. It properly shows the shared interest (even if it seems to imply a level of coordination and conspiracy) of capitalists across nations. If only the left

[Marxism] Socialist Voice: Honduras / Disappearing coups / Hugo Blanco Interview

2009-10-14 Thread Ian Angus
SOCIALIST VOICE Marxist Perspectives for the 21st Century http://www.socialistvoice.ca October 14, 2009 HONDURAS: ‘NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME AGAIN’ http://www.socialistvoice.ca/?p=708 by Federico Fuentes What began as a coup aimed at deposing a millionaire landowner president, whose “crime” had

Re: [Marxism] Overproduction - underconsumption

2009-10-14 Thread S. Artesian
I never give investment advice. Remember, the markets are fundamentally irrational. My advice to myself , which I did follow as a matter of fact, was to get out of stocks in 2000, and then get out of everything in 2007 except US Treasury instruments. The reasoning behind both those decisions?

Re: [Marxism] India and Armed Struggle

2009-10-14 Thread sobuadhaigh
Rajesh wrote: ...the question for them and their proponents is the same.. is there a murdering path to socialism/communism? No, the question should be: is armed struggle a legitimate path to socialism/communism in India? The same question could be raised for the Philippines, or Palestine, or

Re: [Marxism] India and Armed Struggle

2009-10-14 Thread nada
Indeed, I think the same question can be raised for places like Palestine, or even Northern Ireland or the Philippines. How's that working out, exactly? Palestine itself is not engaged in armed struggle for socialism. If so, I missed the memo. They are engaged in a defensive, somewhat

Re: [Marxism] India and Armed Struggle

2009-10-14 Thread S. Artesian
Actually, I think the real question for all is: Is armed struggle both a viable substitute for and a successful alternative to class-conscious mass action? - Original Message - From: sobuadha...@hushmail.com To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net Sent: Wednesday, October 14,

[Marxism] Two Talks by Shlomo Sand in NYC

2009-10-14 Thread Sebastian Budgen
TALK BY PROFESSOR SHLOMO SAND, DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF TEL AVIV, ON HIS NEWLY TRANSLATED BOOK, THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE (This may be the most important and most surprising book on Zionism, Israel and Judaism written in the last fifty years. Nothing in

Re: [Marxism] India and Armed Struggle

2009-10-14 Thread nada
David S., I don't think it's so clear as it used to be. I've drifted from my old SWP/LTF days as opposition to armed struggle as we debated it in the 1970s and, as people practiced it, had different results that we expected. I think there is no *easy* answer to you question and generally...

Re: [Marxism] Overproduction - underconsumption

2009-10-14 Thread S. Artesian
Gee, speaking of steel and China and overcapacity-- from yesterday's Wall Street Journal: China Takes a Hard Look at Its Steel Industry Beijing and Companies Move Toward Lowering Taxes to Promote Consolidation and Cut Capacity Frustrated in previous attempts to consolidate its fragmented steel

[Marxism] Obama's delusion

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.lrb.co.uk/v31/n20/brom01_.html Obama’s Delusion David Bromwich Long before he became president, there were signs in Barack Obama of a tendency to promise things easily and compromise often. He broke a campaign vow to filibuster a bill that immunised telecom outfits against

[Marxism] Turk-Israeli rift good for Palestinians

2009-10-14 Thread Louis Proyect
http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=48859 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] United States: `Birthers', `deathers' and haters -- Right-wing populism and liberal retreat | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2009-10-14 Thread glparramatta
By *Malik Miah, *San Francisco October 11, 2009 — The heat is on the administration of US President Barack Obama. The energised conservative base has taken over town hall meetings on health care. There are “birthers” (those who claim Obama is not a US citizen and ineligible to be president),

[Marxism] book for review

2009-10-14 Thread GEORGE SNEDEKER
I'm looking for someone to review Rick Wolff's Capitalism Hits The Fan, the book, not the video, for Socialism and Democracy. Write to me offline if you are interested at snedek...@verizon.net George YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when

[Marxism] 11/19/2000 Gus Hall Memorial CSPAN Coverage

2009-10-14 Thread jayroth6
http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/160702-1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.econ.utah.edu Set your options at:

[Marxism] Colombia Update

2009-10-14 Thread Anthony Boynton
Hello again: Colombia, Colombia. Today there was a national paro - more or less a national strike, called by the CUT and other trade union federations. It is pretty hard to tell how big the response was, but it was not overwhelming. The Plaza Bolivar, the main plaza in Bogotá, was maybe half-full,

Re: [Marxism] The National Equality March: A New Generation of Protesters

2009-10-14 Thread John Obrien
1- Organizing is easier on one level (for those with computers) - but this last weekend event, only had one tenth the number of the last national march. 2 - The partial answer to your point two is - the Oct. 11, 2009 event took that date because of the successes that the Oct. 11, 1987

[Marxism-Thaxis] Dialogue on White supremacy and capitalism

2009-10-14 Thread c b
- If capitalism needs racism, then capitalism should be impossible in an ethnically homogenous society, such as Iceland. ^ CB: Britain was enthically homogenous at the primitive accumulation phase of capitalism , too. The racism was in colonialism and the slave trade . Capitalism would