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By *Tim Anderson*

September 14, 2010 -- Misunderstandings over Cuba run very deep, and not 
just among the enemies of socialism, or those who have had little 
contact with the country.

Let's look at some recent misinterpretations.

The corporate media has seized on Fidel Castro's comment to US 
journalist Jeffrey Goldberg of the /Atlantic /magazine that "the 'Cuban 
model' now doesn't work even for us" as an admission that Cuban 
socialism had failed and that Cuba would now have to take on US-style 
capitalism. Julia Sweig, Goldberg's adviser on Cuba, said she took the 
comment "to be an acknowledgment that ... the state has much too big a 
role in the economic life of the country". Goldberg excitedly 
interpreted the comment to mean "Cuba is beginning to adopt the sort of 
economic ideas that America has long-demanded it adopt". Goldberg's 
article launched thousands of other stories.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1891


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