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I know I am going to encounter the wrath of most Marxists on this list,
but what the heck.
Elections to parliament in Western "democracies" are, per se,
anti-revolutionary. And by that I mean that they foster the belief that
any given candidate can "make things better". Thus they encourage
workers to give a certain candidate their "confidence" to change things.
Instead of taking matters into their own hands . That is a essential
flaw in the emancipation of the working class.

Representative democracy WILL ALWAYS BE a farce. By its very essence, it
deprives workers of a CONCRETE say in how things should be managed. It
encourages workers to think "this is all too complicated, let's give our
vote to Joe X or George W."It depends on the division of labour and on
the feeling of helplesness citizens feel when confronted with the
intricate workings of a modern economy.

Voting for a Member of Parliament, in the present bourgeois democracy,
is bound to end up with the ruling power extracting surplus-value from
the "toiling masses".

Why and what would be better ? Because in a bourgeois democracy, a )
representatives are elected for a four to seven-year period. They should
be elected every year b) they can be re-elected as often as they please.
Such privileges (contact with "higher politics") should be restricted to
a one one-year term in office, no more. The more workers get to exercise
such powers the better. So there should be a continuous rotation of
mandates.  c) Representatives should be subject to a confidence vote at
the end of each yearly mandate, before returning to their ordinary job.
Such a vote should establish whether the representative has faithfully
represented the mandate of his constituency. d) Representative should be
subject to immediate recall by a General Meeting of their constituency
if they fail to represent the people's will e) On any controversial
subject, the representative should first get a precise mandate from his
constituency before engaging in any talks in the name of said

Well, basically, it all boils down to the Council Communist/Libertarian
Communist principle of direct democracy as opposed to representative


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