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DANGER: ‘Food Safety’ Is Coming To a Farm Near You!
By Chris Kinder
January 13, 2011

Agribusiness is the real disease

So, the U.S. government says it wants to radically improve the safety  
of food in the U.S., so that the eats here will be “the safest in the  
world.” And if you believe that, I’ve got a ... well, you know the  
one about that bridge in Brooklyn.

Of course improving food safety sounds good to everyone, which is one  
reason the new bill on that subject is scurrying through Congress as  
we speak. (By the time you read this, it will probably have zipped  
across Obama’s desk and be signed into law.) And it’s not as though  
there is no cause for alarm on the question of safe food. Several  
huge recalls in recent years have been necessary due to E coli and  
Salmonella contaminations of foods such as peanut butter, ground  
beef, produce, and most recently four billion eggs (the largest egg  
recall ever).

It’s a corporate “Food Safety”

But the bill—The Food Safety Modernization Act—only puts a band-aid  
on the gaping wound that is big agribusiness. It is in fact  
counterproductive, because its real purpose is to prop up the huge  
corporate monopolies, which are a central component of U.S.  
capitalism and imperialism, and whose mega mono-cropping operations,  
are the source of all the major food contaminations (as well as the  
source of other non-food disease vectors, such as the “swine flu”  
virus). The bill will add unnecessary burdens on the expanding small  
organic farm operations and small slaughterhouses, which operate more  
sustainably, produce healthier as well as safer food, and are more  
productive (in terms of overall output) than big mono-cropping.

Generally what the bill does is require registration of food  
producing operations and more paper work and reporting on the part of  
operators; and it jacks up the power of the Food and Drug  
Administration (FDA) to inspect and track foods. Operators of “food  
facilities” will be required to evaluate hazards, implement  
appropriate controls, monitor the performance of the controls, and  
“maintain records of such monitoring.”1 Superficially, this sounds  
good, but it’s a one size fits all “solution” that could drive small  
operators out of business. Small Farm lobbyists and advocates have  
been arguing for an exemption for small producers, and finally an  
amendment—the Tester Amendment—was added to the bill. This would  
exclude farmers who sell less than $500,000 worth of food per-year  
from the more onerous paperwork and compliance burdens found in the  
bill. But this amount refers to gross sales, not profits, and it is  
not indexed to inflation, which could easily skyrocket soon. “In  
fact,” says Mike Adams, editor of Natural News and a virulent  
opponent of the bill, “a single family farm with just four people  
could easily sell $500,000 worth of fresh produce a year right now.”2

Big agribusiness interests supported this bill—and paid for it with  
heavy contributions to both Democrats and Republicans—despite the  
Tester amendment (not without some grumbling of course), knowing all  
the while that it will help cripple organic farms. This is an echo  
from the early Twentieth Century, when the 1906 publication of Upton  
Sinclair’s, The Jungle, put a spotlight on monstrous scandals in the  
Chicago-based meat packing industry, and prompted reform bills in  
Congress. The big capitalists opposed the reforms, until they were  
convinced that the proposed bill would help them eliminate their  
smaller competitors.

Measures already being taken are scarier than the bill

But so far, we are just scratching the surface of the current food  
safety debate. The point here is not to support the small capitalist  
producer or farm operation over the large necessarily, but to examine  
the agricultural practices that can and should be applied to solve  
the world’s food safety as well as food security problems. For  
starters, what is much scarier than the Food Safety bill itself are  
the measures, which big producers are taking now—many of which are  
forced on them by distribution and marketing companies for whom they  
are the suppliers—in order to prevent contamination. This gets to the  
heart of the difference between the organic farm and large mono- 
cropping operations: natural conditions and biological controls  
versus a fruitless and environmentally destructive quest for perfect  

A stark example: one farmer “planted hedges of fennel and flowering  
cilantro around his organic fields in the Pajaro Valley near  
Watsonville to harbor beneficial insects, an alternative to  
pesticides. He has since ripped out such plants because his big  
customers demand sterile buffers.”3 The “Leafy Greens Marketing  
Agreement,” written by a small group of the largest growers, suggests  
that farmers maintain a 30-foot buffer zone of bare ground between  
grazing land and row crops. Bagged lettuce distributor Fresh Express  
has a much stricter set of demands. It requires its suppliers to  
maintain a several hundred-foot barrier around grazing lands, and 150  
feet of bare ground around waterways, which means tearing up and  
destroying all living things in riparian environments!

Ironically, some government agencies, as in Salinas Valley in  
California for instance, have been encouraging farmers for years to  
use more sustainable land management practices, such as planting  
hedgerows, creating storm water ponds, using off-season cover crops,  
and constructing wetlands to both protect the environment and help  
prevent salt-water contamination of the aquifer. But now a 2007  
survey in Monterey County found that 40 percent of farmers on the  
California Central Coast have removed wildlife from their fields, and  
30 percent have eliminated non-crop vegetation from their farms.  
Others are bulldozing ponds and waterways to meet the new sterility  
requirements. Farmers have lost the ability to market crops because  
of deer tracks being found in the field, or because frogs and  
tadpoles were discovered in a nearby creek (despite the fact that  
these animals are not found to carry virulent E coli strains)4.

The real cause of disease

The Food Safety bill completely ignores the real causes of disease in  
the food production system: the huge concentrations of animals who  
are filled with antibiotics and growth hormones, and spend their  
whole lives crushed together and standing in their own feces; as well  
as large single-crop operations that depend on chemical fertilizers  
and increasingly ineffective pesticides. These huge, concentrated  
operations are much more likely to cause massive outbreaks of  
disease, since the contamination of just one plant or animal can so  
easily spread to all the others, thus infecting whole product lines  
nationally or internationally in just one incident.

Although productive in terms of cranking out huge amounts of one  
product, these operations are extremely damaging to the soil and the  
environment. Mono-cropping depletes the top soil, and huge  
slaughterhouses, instead or treating animal waste and waste animal  
parts for use as fertilizers, simply deposit fecal and other waste  
matter in huge holding ponds or dumps which are loaded with toxic  
chemicals and crawling with a zoo full of dangerous microbes.

According to one observer of the California Central Valley,

“... huge confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) run by  
agribusiness [are] destroying family farmers, polluting the water  
supply and air, and creating health problems. The family farmers...  
cannot understand why no government agencies or politicians take any  
actions to enforce water, air and health laws and regulations. Little  
do they know that agribusiness (corporation agriculture) is one of  
the most powerful entities in the U.S. I have driven past a huge  
cattle feed lot in the Central Valley of California on Interstate  
Highway 5 and could smell the stench of animal feces five miles away.”5

Hog farms: pollution and “Superbugs”

These operations can pollute whole communities. A hog farm  
concentration in the State of Vera Cruz in Mexico—principally a  
Smithfield plant (Smithfield is the largest hog producer in the world) 
—is widely and justifiably blamed as the source of the H1N1 “swine  
flu” virus. Residents of the town of La Gloria complained for years  
of the smelly pig breeding farms that attracted hordes of flies and  
made people sick. Many developed flu-like symptoms. Finally,  
government workers arrived to test for disease, and eventually found  
swine flu virus.6

Hog farms like these, as well as cattle operations and “dark house”  
chicken breeding are connected to the spread of “superbugs,”  
antibiotic resistant strains which evolve in industrial agricultural  
concentrations in which animals are regularly injected with  
antibiotics, as a preventative measure, whether they’re sick or not.  
In a few years, microbes evolve a resistance, become more virulent,  
and require more and stronger antibiotics to combat them. Seventy  
percent of all antibiotics in the U.S. are used to “treat” healthy  
livestock, according to a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists.  
More antibiotics are fed to livestock in North Carolina alone than to  
humans in the entire U.S. “Routine use of antibiotics to raise  
livestock is widely seen as a major reason for the rise of  
superbugs.”7 Antibiotic resistant microbes such as these have caused  
a drastic decline in the effectiveness of antibiotics in general—a  
growing human health threat.

The big picture

The observant reader may have noticed that we have strayed somewhat  
from the strict confines of the FDA “Food Safety” bill by talking  
about meat production, which is regulated by the U.S. Department of  
Agriculture (not the FDA) and inspected by the USDA’s Food Safety  
Inspection Service (FSIS). But it’s all part of the same big picture,  
as shown by the USDA’s proposed “National Animal Identification  
System” (NAIS), which would require—again—registration of all  
operators, and the ID tagging of all animals.

The implementation of NAIS threatens the small producers of organic  
foods, including fruits and vegetables as well as meat sources,  
because the tagging requirements could drive them out of business by  
adding expensive processes, while large operators get away with  
tagging herds of animals rather than individual animals. And again,  
the point here is not to support small capitalists against large, but  
to show how the system as a whole is dominated by monopolists who use  
unsustainable methods which are rapidly destroying agriculture  
itself, when the organic methods developed by many small farmers here  
and abroad are what is needed for the future of human food production  
as well as the environment.

If we accept that the big picture of food safety is really about how  
the whole system works, and not just about a few new rules and  
regulations that the FDA may or may not enforce properly, then we can  
proceed to a list of problems in the food production system that  
illustrate what some of the real dangers for the environment as well  
as food safety and security really are. None of these issues are  
addressed by the FDA, USDA, or the “Food Safety” bill:

• Fertilizer: Plants require nitrogen in the soil to grow. But mono- 
cropping raids the soil of nitrogen, and requires artificial inputs,  
in the form of chemicals. Much of the nitrogen from these chemicals  
does not get used by the plants however; it gets flushed into  
waterways as run-off. It floats down the river systems to the ocean,  
where it creates “dead zones.” The flood of nitrogen fuels the algae,  
which grows explosively, sucking up oxygen in the process. This  
creates huge areas in which nothing else can live, thus helping to  
destroy the ocean food supply. Such “dead zones” exist around the  
deltas of all major river systems, totaling perhaps 400 worldwide.
• Pesticides, and the example of the bees: Chemical pesticides are in  
widespread use throughout capitalist agriculture, to the great  
detriment of the agricultural workers, food safety and consumers. But  
there couldn’t be a better example of this devastation than the  
plight of honeybees.
Honeybee “Colony Collapse Disorder” has been trumpeted in the press  
as a great mystery, and a great problem for agriculture. Problem it  
is, but mystery it ain’t. Honeybees are grown in colonies and are  
essential for pollination of many crops, including large monoculture  
crops, which require pollination for a few weeks in the growing  
season. But the scorched earth methods of agribusiness leave no other  
plants for honeybees to live on during the rest of the year. That’s  
where migratory bee keeping comes in, as truckloads of stacked  
beehives crisscross the country.

The only natural foods for honeybees comes from the nectars and  
pollens they collect, but today’s beekeepers commonly feed their  
honey bees artificial syrups and patties made out of high fructose  
corn syrup, which are much less nutritious. And today’s beekeepers  
use fungicides, pesticides and herbicides in and around the hives.  
They say they have no choice, because bees are increasingly infected  
with diseases and parasites. But bees are weakened by a number of  
factors, including the stress of traveling, in which they have  
trouble with temperature control of the hive, as well as few or no  
natural food sources at their destinations.

The honeybee’s problems are many

But the bees’ problems don’t stop there. The natural process of bee  
reproduction involves a queen bee, who is inseminated by several  
drone bees in the air, following which she returns to the hive and  
produces offspring by laying eggs for several years. However, today’s  
beekeepers have a different plan. Every year or two they crush the  
reigning queen and introduce a queen they have purchased. The new  
queen has been shipped across the country and inseminated from  
decapitated drones, in an effort to build certain desirable traits.  
After this treatment, are we supposed to wonder why the offspring  
can’t find the way back to their hives?

As the honeybee colonies have grown weaker, the beekeepers fight back  
with chemicals, including organophosphates banned in other countries.  
The herbicides, fungicides and insecticides used around colonies are  
tested on adult bees, but the effects on newly hatched bee larvae,  
through chemical residues in the beeswax, honey and pollen, is only  
beginning to be studied.8 With all of these assaults on their  
colonies and lives, bee survival is amazing if it happens at all. Yet  
bees are critical to the pollination of so many plants that their  
functional extinction would be a major devastation to agriculture,  
which in turn could easily collapse world food supplies.

• GMOs: Genetic modification of crops (and animal treatments) is  
likely the single greatest threat to food safety and security on the  
planet today. Rather than being concerned, the government has  
promoted it. Use of GMOs was conceived as a way for big U.S.  
corporations, principally Monsanto, to take over world food markets.  
Working with the George W. Bush administration, and in conjunction  
with the corrupt accounting firm Arthur Anderson (which was later  
brought down in the Enron scandal), Monsanto conceived a world in  
which 100 percent of all seeds would be genetically modified and  
patented, thus allowing them to seize power over farmers everywhere  
as well as replacing nature itself. This strategy was promoted and  
given de-regulatory support through a Council on Competitiveness,  
headed by Dan Quayle. Later, the Clinton administration was also  
supportive in efforts to use this new technology to boost U.S.  
exports and monopolize food markets.
The FDA, which now (allegedly) is so concerned about food safety,  
also helped considerably, by ruling in 1992 that GM crops are  
“generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). But in order to be GRAS, a  
substance must be approved by an overwhelming consensus among the  
scientific community. Not only was this not done, but individual FDA  
scientists were objecting vociferously. Subsequently revealed  
internal FDA memos show that the overwhelming consensus among the  
agency scientists was that GM crops can have unpredictable, hard-to- 
detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, nutritional  
effects, and new diseases.9

Government of, by and for the big corporations

But this is a government of, by and for big corporations like  
Monsanto, so the FDA changed its own criteria to a totally  
unregulated “consultation” process in which the company assures the  
FDA that its products are safe, and the FDA simply repeats those  
assurances in an official letter! We can be assured, however, that  
nothing has changed today: the FDA will enforce the new “food safety”  
bill with the same deference to big agribusiness as it shows to  
Monsanto, while directing most its fire at smaller producers with no  
clout in Washington.

Actual food safety issues due to GM crops and animal treatments are  
mounting, though the full potential effects are still mostly unknown.  
Known effects range from sheep and buffalo in India that grazed on Bt  
[Bacillus thuringiensis toxins used on crops as a pesticide] cotton  
plants and died by the thousands, animals who died or suffered  
infertility or weakened immune systems or other drastic effects after  
being fed GM products, and pregnant rats, whose babies died. As for  
crops, the biggest issue facing farmers all over the world is the  
contamination of their crops by GM seeds that blow in on the wind or  
otherwise cross-pollinate. Due to Monsanto’s legendary control at the  
top of the U.S. political system, a legal ruling now makes a farmer’s  
product the property of Monsanto, even though the claim is only based  
on such “accidental” contamination! The U.S./Monsanto plan to take  
over the world’s food supply with GMOs failed generally, but  
Monsanto’s dirty tactics through bribery, lawsuits against critics,  
buying up local seed companies, and contracts that require farmers  
who use their products to buy all their seeds and chemicals from them  
continue to plague the world’s food supply.

A bigger plague

But a bigger plague than this may yet be in store for humans. The Bt  
toxin developed by Monsanto, when inserted into a plant’s genetic  
structure, creates a plant that manufactures a poison, which kills  
insects that attack the plant. Monsanto claims this is safe, since  
the natural bacteria this toxin is based on is found in soil, and is  
used by organic farmers as an insecticide spray. But the toxin in  
Monsanto’s Bt crops is thousands of times more concentrated. Now  
consider the following:

“The only published human feeding study revealed that even after we  
stop eating GMOs, harmful GM proteins may be produced continuously  
inside of us: genes inserted into Monsanto’s GM soy transfer into  
bacteria inside our intestines and continue to function. If Bt genes  
also transfer, eating corn chips might transform our intestinal  
bacteria [i.e., good bacteria] into living pesticide factories.” — 
Jeffrey M. Smith (see note 9)

Every living thing has DNA, we are all interconnected, and  
contaminations such as this are not only inevitable now that GMOs  
have been let out of the bottle, but they’re permanent. The self- 
propagating genetic pollution released into the environment by  
Monsanto’s crops could outlast both climate change and the  
degeneration of nuclear waste.

A revolutionary alternative

One of the worst crimes of big agribusiness is the attack on bio- 
diversity. By selecting certain “perfect” crops, whether through  
genetic engineering or more primitive methods, and by destroying non- 
crop vegetation and enforcing sterile boundaries around crops,  
agribusiness is rapidly obliterating both the environment and our  
future as a healthy species. Chemicals can’t make up for the fact  
that the soil is being killed, and the natural predators of plant  
pests have been destroyed; which is not to mention that the same  
chemicals are killing the rest of the environment.

Bio-diversity, and the understanding that all living things are  
connected to each other and the planet itself through evolution, is  
central to a materialist understanding of the world, and as such, to  
Marxism. It was in fact a Soviet scientist, Vladimir Vernadsky, who  
first postulated the concept of the “biosphere,” thus anticipating  
Lovelock’s much weaker “Gaia” hypothesis by several decades.  
Following on Vernadsky, and with Lenin’s insistence, the early  
Bolshevik regime promoted conservation of the environment even in the  
midst of a brutal civil war in which reactionaries sought to  
overthrow the world’s first workers state. Conservation organizations  
and journals promoted rational agricultural techniques, and published  
articles for biological pest controls and against monocultures.10  
(Later, this was all destroyed under the Stalinist counter- 
revolution, which ushered in a bureaucratically deformed regime that,  
among many other betrayals, ignored conservation.)

Today, although not necessarily revolutionary politically, organic  
farmers in the U.S. and elsewhere do point the way toward an  
agriculture that can feed the world both environmentally-sustainably  
and safely. This is done chiefly through crop rotation, in which both  
different crops, and livestock, alternatively use the same fields.  
This is not a new idea: if you’re like me, you remember a school  
history text that reported that crop rotation was a major innovation  
in the Middle Ages in Europe. Crop rotation, together with  
preservation of surrounding ecosystems such as hedgerows and riparian  
vegetation, reduces or eliminates the need for pesticides, since most  
pests survive on one target crop, and are greatly reduced by plant  
variety. Plus mixing in crops that fix nitrogen in the soil, such as  
legumes, is another improvement. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers,  
as well as mono-cropping itself, kills the soil, but natural  
processes can maintain it. The soil is the immediate root of all  
life, and must maintain its plethora of living things, from microbes  
to worms.11

Capitalism: grow and expand, or die

Capitalist agriculture, based on chemical saturation and  
monocultures, as well as attempts to dominate global food markets, is  
destroying the world food supply, killing us, and threatening the  
planet. But this form of agriculture is embedded deeply in the  
system. In the wake of the financial crash, financial capital is  
flooding into the world land market big time, both to capture future  
food supplies and open up investments in biofuels, all at the expense  
of formerly colonialized peoples who need their lands for their own  
food. Big financial capital is just doing what its capitalist DNA  
tells it to... expand into the most profitable investments, or die.  
Big agribusiness is a key component of a system, which will rape,  
plunder and destroy the world’s working people and nature itself  
before it dies... unless it gets killed first.

Let’s look at this from a slightly different perspective: what should  
we do assuming we want to save the planet, clean up the environment,  
revolutionize the agricultural system to provide safe, healthy food  
for everyone, and put working people—the ones who actually produce  
the things that we need—in charge rather than finance capital?

What we really want

In broad outline, that, in my opinion, would be:

1. Expropriate the land—removing all the big owners without  
compensation—and put it in the hands of the organized working people;
3. Attend to the small organic farms first, supporting their efforts,  
and developing leaders and educators who can tackle the big job;
5. Transform the big mono-cultural estates into sustainable, fully  
organic operations, whether through applying new methods on a large  
scale, or breaking them up into small coordinated units;
7. Control and coordinate all this through cooperatives and  
collectives of agriculture workers who meet regularly and work in  
coordination with a democratically decided upon national plan;
9. Put unemployed or partially employed agricultural workers to work  
in this vital project.
Such a program would be easier to implement than trying to work  
within the existing system, but then “easy” is not exactly on the  
radar screen of a planet hurtling toward eco-suicide. But can it be  
done? Can big agribusiness be dumped and agriculture transformed into  
a sustainable, use-value system controlled by the people who work it?

Cuba provides a positive example here. Based on a mono-cultural,  
export-oriented agribusiness around sugar during the long years under  
U.S. domination, Cuba was slow to change its practice after the 1959  
revolution. But under relentless U.S. imperialist pressure  
culminating in the “Bay of Pigs” invasion, the Castro regime moved to  
the total expropriation of big capital in a few years. Gradually,  
with the resistance of private owners removed, the study and  
application of sustainable agricultural practices began to make headway.

The challenge of Cuba’s “Special Period”

Then, following the collapse of Eastern European and Soviet Russian  
states in 1989-91, a “special period” ensued. The cheap oil and other  
supports from the USSR were gone, and Cuba dropped into a nightmare  
of deprivation and disorganization. Undeterred by this adversity, the  
Cuban people began to reorganize. Food supplies were boosted through  
urban agriculture, which developed unused city land and today  
provides most of Havana’s food supply. And farming was transformed  
from agro-chem dependent monocultures (the chemicals were no longer  
available) to virtually all-organic farming. With no capitalist  
class, and no private market in land, there was no resistance to this  
working-class response to the crisis. Government programs fostering  
sustainable agriculture were expanded, and the government facilitated  
land reorganizations when necessary.12

Such a plan would be what real people actually need, and it would  
represent a program to organize production for human need, not the  
profit of a few. But this would involve overthrowing the government,  
and expropriating the expropriators: forcibly taking the power from  
the big imperialist finance capitalists. Unfortunately, most of the  
left is still entranced by the siren song of reformism: maybe there’s  
hope if we just push Obama to the left, or if we get something passed  
in Congress that can improve things, or if we support the “lesser  
evil” at the polls. The idea of overthrowing the system entirely and  
starting fresh now seems like a distant (maybe forgotten) memory of  
struggles of the past. But look to the past, because the financial  
bubbles, bailouts of the rich, and gigantic transfers of wealth  
upward from the working and poor masses to the very rich are still  
happening. We still need a mass working class movement and party,  
which though it may have been betrayed by bad leadership in the past,  
points the way forward to the overthrow of capitalism, and to the  
regime of working people, with safe food for all and production for  
use not profit.

Chris Kinder is an Oakland resident, revolutionary socialist, and  
coordinator of the Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
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