Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

  Sorry Lee for replying to the whole digest. Email clients are easy 
enough to operate, but one get's confused with the innumerable options.

Anyway, responding to email exercises my mind in otherwise dull 
suroundings. Today, French General Strike which resulted in blocking the 
A11 freeway where I live  [6 milllion euros a day according to a comrade 
who works for the French tax office, mainly Renault, Auchan, Decathlon, 
etc... ]. The problem being that the A11 freeway is mainly connected to 
production zones (Renault), which can simply slow down production when 
the freeway is blocked for a day or two. IT's the big supermarkets on 
the A11 from Le Mans to Rennes or Nantes that really cause the riot 
police to come out. BLocking all possibilities for supermarket 
consumption represents a loss of revenue of over ... 5 million euros a 
day when one takes into account the loss of consumption revenue 
associated with  Rennes (3 million euros) and Nantes (2 million euros).
Weird thing is blocking production zones only draws apathy, blocking the 
big super-markets around major cities creates incredible anger. Weird ? 
No, just the logic of things.
But it is easier to block the production zones than the consumption 
zones, because of the existence of city ring-roads which enable 
consumers to reach the super-market car-parks. Where they are greated by 
hostile strikers. But the super-markets still function.
Was on strike all day, blocked the ring-road and was rewarded by the 
trade-unions "calling upon Sarkozy to listen to the people" (instead of 
"telling the people to make Sarkozy listen"). I'm sure Sarkozy was 
listening. It's all nonsensne, most French trade unions being led by the 
French Socialist Party and Parti de Gauche/Communist Party, which are 
only out to get votes for the March elections but who would have enacted 
EXACTLY the same budget-cuts had they been in power.
Actually, I KNOW they would... because the last Socialist Party in 
Government in France (2001) resulted in the de-indexation of wages on 
inflation, the legalization of the right to fire over 500 employees at 
once, complete pay freeezes for all public sector employees, and 
enormous tax-cuts for the rich.
The NPA are also getting on my nerves, but enough said about them. They 
control many of the trade-union positions, many town-councillors 
positions,  their ambition is to replace the old historic French CP(Now, 
Parti de Gauche) and Socialist Party. The NPA is too interested in 
taking control of other organizations to really build it's own organization.
Anyway, it's all depressing, any way you look at it.

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