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 French workers fight back against pension attack
By Chris Latham

   Protest in Marseille, October 19. At stake is more than just changes to
pensions, it is also the issue of just how much of the burden for the
economic crisis working people in France and across Europe can be made to
carry. Photo: Lilicomanche/Flickr

Since October 12, France has been gripped by intensifying mass opposition by
workers and students to proposed counter reforms to the country’s pensions
system by the right-wing government of President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Public opposition to the attack has been highlighted by three national
strikes each involving millions of people, two national student strikes and
a growing wave of indefinite strikes in a range of industries — most notably
the crippling shutdown of the oil industry.

Despite the size and intensity of the mobilisations, the Sarkozy government
remains defiant, insisting the changes to the pension system are essential
to France’s future. The government has threatened to repress attempts to
disrupt France’s economic life.

The three national strikes occurred in the lead-up to the October 20 Senate
debate on the pension scheme proposals. Unions estimated the October 12, 16
and 19 national strikes were attended by 3.5 million, 3 million and 3.5
million people respectively.

After the slightly smaller mobilisation on October 16, labour minister Eric
Woerth told *France 24*: “The turnout is clearly down … I think the French
people have understood that pension reform is essential.”

However, this proved wishful thinking.
full article: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/45821

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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