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By *Paul Kellogg*

May 3, 2010 -- The bailout of the debt-ridden Greek government seems 
finally to be complete. The European Union (EU) – most centrally the 
French and German treasuries – along with the International Monetary 
Fund (IMF) will provide €110 billion ($150 billion) in emergency loans. 
The price for these loans will be high. Along with steep tax increases 
and cuts in spending, the loans are conditional on a public sector wage 
freeze being extended through to 2014.[1] This is in reality a wage cut, 
as there will be drastic changes to the so-called “bonuses” – holiday 
pay that has become an essential part of the income package of low-paid 
public sector workers.

The anger at these cuts is everywhere in Greek society. Giorgos 
Papadapoulos is a 28-year-old policeman who normally confronts 
demonstrators. But in March he put aside his riot shield and joined the 
mass protests which have become a regular part of life in Greece. “It’s 
a different feeling for me”, he told journalists while he was on the 
demonstration. “But this is important. It hurts me and my family.”[2] 
However, the crisis in Greece has revealed not just a shift to the left 
in Europe. It has also brought to the surface a seamy reactionary 
underside to politics in the EU portion of the Eurasian landmass.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1671


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