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On Dec 14, 2010, at 11:18 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:
> http://leninology.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-american-class-struggle-works.html

Its a statistical fallacy to claim, as this article does, that labor  
productivity has increased so wonderfully and therefore workers have  
been made to work that much harder.  When unproductive workers are  
laid off, production is completely unaffected but the official  
statistics of labor input (which take no account of the basic  
difference between productive and unproductive labor) show a decrease  
in aggregate labor time.  That's for one.  And when productive workers  
are laid off in a recession the ones preferentially laid off are those  
the employer considers relatively less productive (those working in an  
obsolescent plant, for example).  Again, statistical productivity  
increases without any worker actually becoming more productive.  Under  
depressed economic conditions, as in the present depression, official  
productivity statistics need to be taken with an ocean's worth of salt.

Shane Mage

"All things are an equal exchange for fire and fire for all things,
as goods are for gold and gold for goods."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr, 90

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