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By *Patrick Bond*

July 7, 2010 -- Acting against our alleged "ambush marketing" and 
"incitement" (sic), the South African Police Service, newly augmented 
with 40,000 additional cadre for the World Cup, detained several of us 
here in Durban last weekend. We were simply exercising freedom of 
expression at our favourite local venue, the South Beach Fan Fest, whose 
half-million visitors is a record.

Wearing hidden microphones so as to tape discussions with police 
leadership, what we learned was chilling, for they have received orders 
from Durban city manager Mike Sutcliffe that the property rights of the 
world soccer body, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association 
(FIFA), overrule our foundational constitutional rights.

“We can charge you and detain you until the 11th of July, [when] FIFA is 
over!”, a top officer shouted at me during my second interrogation, on 
Saturday, July 3.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1779


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