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Winds of Change
By Bonnie Weinstein
January 13, 2011

In spite of the fact that working people are taking huge economic  
hits while corporate profits are soaring, there is a fightback  
beginning. Workers, students and even prisoners are taking action  
indicating that a deep radicalization is taking place.

Corporate profits soar

In a November 23, New York Times article by Catherine Rampell titled,  
“Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter”:

“…the tax benefits will flow most heavily to the highest earners,  
just as the original cuts did when they were passed in 2001 and 2003.  
At least a quarter of the tax savings will go to the wealthiest 1  
percent of the population…

  “The wealthiest Americans will also reap tax savings from the  
proposal’s plan to keep the cap on dividend and capital gains taxes  
at 15 percent, well below the highest rates on ordinary income…

  “In fact, the only groups likely to face a tax increase are those  
near the bottom of the income scale—individuals who make less than  
$20,000 and families with earnings below $40,000.”

And, the new tax package will continue to guarantee the transfer of  
wealth from the poor to the wealthy elite. In a December 7, 2010 New  
York Times article by David Kocieniewski, titled, “Tax Package Will  
Aid Nearly All, Especially Highest Earners”:

“…the tax benefits will flow most heavily to the highest earners,  
just as the original cuts did when they were passed in 2001 and 2003.  
At least a quarter of the tax savings will go to the wealthiest one  
percent of the population.”

Decertifying state employee unions

If this were not bad enough, signs of worse things to come were  
outlined in an article that appeared December 12, 2010 in the Leader- 
Telegram Eau Claire Now, a small newspaper from Chippewa Valley,  
Wisconsin, titled, “State Labor Unions now Facing Reality of Benefit  
Costs,” by Tom Giffey.

“After angering rail advocates by rejecting $810 million in federal  
funds for a high-speed line from Milwaukee to Madison, Gov.-elect  
Scott Walker seems intent on picking a fight with state employees.  
Last week, the incoming Republican even suggested moving to decertify  
state employee unions in an effort to cut workers' benefits and save  
the state money.”

The article goes on:

“In an era of chronic budget shortfalls and double-digit health cost  
increases, overly generous public employee benefits are no longer  
reasonable or sustainable. Walker is on the right track when he  
suggests state workers should pay 12 percent of their health costs  
and make five percent pension contributions—moves that would save the  
state $154 million in only six months.”

And what of a labor fightback? The article continues:

“Beginning in 2009, state workers have taken what amounts to a three  
percent pay cut because of mandatory furlough days. And Friday, the  
Wisconsin State Employees Union voted for a no-pay-increase contract  
that included eight furlough days annually as well as increased  
payments toward healthcare and retirement.”

While the economic news is dismal and on the surface there doesn’t  
seem to be much fight left in U.S. workers, the signs point in  
another direction; to a growing consciousness among workers,  
especially, students—even prisoners buried in the U.S. prison  
industrial complex—that their struggles are the same and they face  
the same enemy.

Georgia prisoners show the way

Beginning on December 9, 2010 according to an article titled,  
“Thousands of Georgia Prisoners go on Strike,” by “Anonymous,”  
published December 10, 2010, that appeared on Infoshop News1, in an  
unprecedented action organized through contraband cell-phones between  
prisons, prison inmates across Georgia united and refused to work.  
These are their demands.

“No more slavery: Injustice in one place is injustice to all. Inform  
your family to support our cause. Lock down for liberty!

“A living wage for work: In violation of the 13th Amendment to the  
Constitution prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude, the  
Department Of Corrections (DOC) demands prisoners work for free.

“Educational opportunities: For the great majority of prisoners, the  
DOC denies all opportunities for education beyond the GED, despite  
the benefit to both prisoners and society.

“Decent healthcare: In violation of the 8th Amendment prohibition  
against cruel and unusual punishments, the DOC denies adequate  
medical care to prisoners, charges excessive fees for the most  
minimal care and is responsible for extraordinary pain and suffering.

“An end to cruel and unusual punishments: In further violation of the  
8th Amendment, the DOC is responsible for cruel prisoner punishments  
for minor infractions of rules.

“Decent living conditions: Georgia prisoners are confined in over- 
crowded, substandard conditions, with little heat in winter and  
oppressive heat in summer.

“Nutritional meals: Vegetables and fruit are in short supply in DOC  
facilities while starches and fatty foods are plentiful.

“Vocational and self-improvement opportunities: The DOC has stripped  
its facilities of all opportunities for skills training, self- 
improvement and proper exercise.

“Access to families: The DOC has disconnected thousands of prisoners  
from their families by imposing excessive telephone charges and  
innumerable barriers to visitation.

“Just parole decisions: The Parole Board capriciously and regularly  
denies parole to the majority of prisoners despite evidence of  

Originally scheduled as a one-day strike, it spread to more than  
seven prisons in Georgia and while some prisoners have returned to  
work, the strike is continuing.

The most powerful and encouraging aspect of this largest prison  
strike in U.S. history is that the inmates, in spite of previous deep  
divisions between them, have unified and are acting in solidarity  
with each other. Black, Latino and white inmates have put aside their  
differences to demand humane treatment for all.

In addition, their actions have been carried out peacefully. This is  
no prison riot, but a conscious, clearly thought-out plan of  
democratically decided mass-action, albeit within the prison walls of  
one of the most repressive states in the country. They simply refused  
to leave their cells or to report to work, exercising the most  
powerful tool working people have—the right to withhold their labor.

Of course, the prison’s response has been to place the prison  
population in “lock-down” in spite of the fact that the prisoners  
already, in essence, “locked themselves down.” There have also been  
widespread reports of beatings by prison officials of those thought  
to be the leaders of these united actions.

Nothing to lose but their chains

It’s hard to fathom what could make these prisoners—already  
incarcerated, tortured, deprived and seemingly helpless—to be so bold  
as to plan and carry out such a massive and effective action. Why are  
they able to organize such a fightback under the worst conditions of  
incarceration; locked behind bars without any weapons of self-defense  
against their well-armed jailers; many with no hope of ever getting  
out of prison; many who are undoubtedly innocent of the crimes they  
have been jailed for; how is it they can take such action when  
workers on the outside appear to cave in to the bosses—their economic  

There is an explanation. The prisoners have nothing to lose and a  
chance of something to gain while the prisoners on the outside, the  
majority of the U.S. working class, still have much to lose, although  
they are now losing those things at breakneck speed.

There is also a great divide in consciousness between those workers  
who still have jobs, credit cards, etc. and those who have already  
had to forfeit those things to unemployment and foreclosure; or those  
poorer workers—youth especially—who have never had any job security,  
let alone credit cards2.

  As Gov.-elect Scott Walker’s suggestion of decertifying state  
employee unions in Wisconsin shows, the economy promises to get much  
worse for the working class. But there are strong signs that a major  
change is in the air. The Georgia prison strike is one of these signs.

Students on the rise

Students are also beginning to take matters into their own hands. In  
fact, students in the San Francisco Bay Area recently issued a  
solidarity letter to Georgia inmates that expresses the basic human  
instinct that workers’ solidarity is power:

  “We fully support all of your demands. We strongly identify with  
your demand for expanded educational opportunities. In recent years,  
our state government has been initiating a series of massive cuts to  
our system of public education that continue to endanger our right to  
a quality, affordable education; in response, students all across our  
state have stood up and fought back just as you are doing now. In  
fact, students and workers across the globe have begun to organize  
and fight back against austerity measures and the corresponding  
violence of the state. Just in the past few weeks in Greece, Ireland,  
Spain, England, Italy, Haiti, Puerto Rico—tens- and hundreds-of- 
thousands of students and workers have taken to the streets. We, as a  
movement, are gaining momentum and we do so even more as our  
struggles are unified and seen as interdependent. At times we are  
discouraged; it may seem insurmountable, but in the words of Malcolm  
X, ‘Power in defense of freedom is greater than power on behalf of  
tyranny and oppression.’”

Students and workers unite

In the massive student strikes in England recently, similar  
sentiments were expressed by the striking students in support of  
striking transit workers. At a Coalition of Resistance National  
Conference Youth, Students and Education Workshop that took place  
November 27, 2010 in Camden, London, a 15-year-old student said:

“We are no longer that post-ideological generation; we are no longer  
that generation that doesn’t care. We are no longer that generation  
that’s prepared to sit back and take whatever they give us. We are  
now the generation at the heart of the fightback. We are now the  
generation that will stand with everyone who’s fighting back. The  
most inspiring thing, I think, was that just after Wednesday hundreds  
of people joined the Facebook group—school students—joined the  
Facebook group in solidarity with RMT (Rail Maritime and Transport)  
members on strike. Those are people that previously thought tube  
strikes were something annoying because they stopped you getting into  
school, now they think they’ve got to link arms and fight back with  
everyone. So we want to show solidarity with everyone who’s fighting  
back. We hope you’ll show solidarity with us and send a strong  
message to this government that they can’t throw their cuts at us.  
We’re going to stand up and we’re going to fightback!”3

And, according to a December 20, 2010 Guardian article by Peter  
Walker titled, “Students Win Trade Union Support for Tuition Fees  
Protest” the sentiment expressed by the students has been reciprocated:

“Students protesting against increased tuition fees and cuts to  
education spending have won pledges of trade union support ahead of  
their next demonstration in London on January 294, [2011].

“The fourth national protest, organized by the National Campaign  
Against Cuts and Fees and the Education Activist Network, will be the  
first since the chaotic scenes in the center of the capital on  
December 9, the day MPs voted in favor of the bill allowing tuition  
fees of up to £9,000 a year.

“…The two organizing groups asked unions to assist in ‘a united  
struggle to defend education.’

“Paul Kenny, the general secretary of the GMB union, replied: ‘Can I  
express complete support for the call for opposition to the  
disgraceful and immoral attacks on access to education which these  
latest fee rates represent? It was bad enough having tuition fees to  
start with, but these attacks—dressed up as being required because of  
the banking crisis—really are immoral.’

“Len McCluskey, the new leader of Unite, said unions had been ‘put on  
the spot’ by the student demonstrations. ‘Their mass protests against  
the tuition fees increase have refreshed the political parts a  
hundred debates, conferences and resolutions could not reach,’ he  

Freedom’s just another word for nothing else to lose

Clearly, workers, including prison inmates at the bottom rung of the  
economic ladder, and students, in the U.S. and across the globe, are  
quickly realizing that they are running out of things to lose!

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