PSUV backs Chavez call to prepare for invasion ... 7,000
paramilitaries in Venezuela

VHeadline News Editor Patrick J. O'Donoghue reports: The United
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) held a Monday morning session to
analyze commentaries made yesterday by President Chavez during his Alo
Presidente radio show.

Maria Cristina Iglesias and Jorge Rodriguez said at a press conference
afterwards that the PSUV leadership supports President Chavez' call
for the country to get ready to defend national territory and
sovereignty because of the US-Colombian military agreement to tackle
unfriendly governments in the region.

Rodriguez declared that the decision of Colombian President Alvaro
Uribe to treat Chavez' call as an aggression against his country and
lodge a formal complaint at the UN and Organization of American States
(OAS) is "cynical" because by signing on the dotted line with the USA,
Uribe has declared war on all his neighbors.

Rodriguez warned that the presence of US troops (and mercenaries) on
Colombian soil would herald an increase in the drug trade as occurred
in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The PSUV has called its patrols, especially in border states, to a
rally on Friday against imperialism and in favor of peace.

Iglesias confirmed that everything is ready for elections on Saturday
to choose delegates to the party's extraordinary congress the
following Saturday.

During question time, Rodriguez denied that the party had discussed
internal problems, stating that different currents of opinion flourish
in the party but there is a solid unity. The differences, he
concluded, are political but not ideological.

Former Executive Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel has criticized the
reaction of the opposition, which he dubs "dumb and insensitive" to
the possibility of war ... "it hasn't said a single word about
something that the whole of the region has condemned,"

Colombian paramilitaries operating inside Venezuela, he maintained,
are the fifth branch of the Colombian Armed Force ordered to do its
dirty work. Rangel complained that in Venezuela people did not pay
attention to opportune denunciations when the phenomenon first
appeared. There are 7,000 paramilitaries operating inside Venezuela,
he claimed, not just in border areas but in the barrios of Caracas and
the main cities.

Union Radio has just published news that the Brazilian Senate received
Chavez' warning as a "bombshell." On Friday, the Senate will vote
Venezuela's entry into the Southern Cone Economic Zone (Mercosur).

Yesterday, Chavez reminded Venezuelan military officers of the old
adage that if you want peace, you must prepare for war.

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