a.. OCTOBER 23, 2009
U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Jumps 
The U.S. enjoyed one of the largest increases in manufacturing productivity 
among 17 countries last year despite also posting the biggest drop in 
employment, as companies got more output from fewer workers.

The employment picture has worsened this year, with unemployment reaching 9.8% 
in September. And the number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless 
benefits rose last week, the Labor Department said Thursday in its weekly 

Both the U.S. and South Korea saw productivity rise 1.2% in 2008, the first 
full year of the recession, from 2007. They experienced the largest increases 
of the 17 countries included in the Labor Department's international 
manufacturing-productivity report released Thursday. Productivity, which is 
defined as output per hour worked, declined in 12 of the countries, with the 
largest drops in Singapore and Denmark.

In the U.S., "productivity growth in manufacturing has been above that in 
services for some time," said Mike Elsby, an assistant professor of economics 
at the University of Michigan. "Put another way, manufacturing has been 
progressively doing more with less for 40 years. Consequently, I would expect 
it to continue."

Over the long run, productivity is key to improved living standards because it 
spurs rising output, incomes and asset values. But in a down economy, improving 
productivity with existing workers might mean hiring fewer new ones.

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