(I meant to send the following to thaxis ...)

Strictly for comedy read the following. 

Someone ought to tell Steven Speilberg that there is a "Jurasic Park" on
the Internet where Stalinist dinosaurs still roam.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 10:28:39 +0200
From: Sven Buttler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (MARXJOUR): The Marxist-Leninist List


This list has been created to provide a forum for serious debate between
revolutionaries from different parts of the world, and for the exchange of
information about the struggles for national liberation and for socialism.
It's standpoint is that of Marxism-Leninism, that is to say scientific
socialism. We emphasise Leninism because we recognise this as the only valid
interpretation of Marxism in the imperialist epoch. This list stands in the
proud tradition of the Third International and the struggle against modern
revisionism. Ideologically, it is fundamentally opposed to social democracy,
including Trotskyism, which was correctly characterised by the ECCI in 1926
as a social democratic deviation.

This list is an attempt to use the powerful medium of the Internet to
further the struggle of the working class and its allies.

The Marxist-Leninist list is a forum for the development and propagation of
revolutionary theory. It is not a forum which will tolerate lies and
slanders against great proletarian leaders. We stand in the tradition of
Marx, Lenin and Stalin, and we are proud of this.

To subscribe to the Marxist-Leninist List send a blank message to

The Moderators Panel.

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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