I thought that the front page report in The Independent (UK) this week 
might be of interest:

Serb Army 'Unscathed by NATO'
Robert Fisk, Belgrade

Nato killed far more Serb civilians than soldiers during its 11-week 
bombardment of the country and most of the Yugoslav Third Army 
emerged unscathed from the massive air attacks on its forces in 

Nato officers have been astonished that thousands of Yugoslav tanks , 
missile launchers, artillery batteries, personel carriers and trucks 
have been withdrawn from the province with barely a scratch on them. 
At least 60,000 Yugoslav troops - rather than the 40,000 estimated...

Yugoslav military sources said that more than half the 600 soldiers 
who died in Serbia were killed in guerrila fighting with the KLA 
rather than NATO bombing....

Full report - www.independent.co.uk/stories/B2106902.html

As Marx noted: history repeats itself; though first time as 
tragedy and second as farce. Iraq being the first and Serbia the 

John Walker

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