*Workers Power* (March 2000) pp.2 & 14.

Who having called for a vote for Labour  in 1997 admit:
'Parliamentary and council politics are, at the best of times, a sham.
The GLA will have fewer powers than most parish councils. Which seems
to be contradicted by: 'Workers Power will make the GLA a focus of
struggle' 'Global capitalism means a return to "old Labour" is
impossible: capitalism can no longer afford the reforms it once
delivered'. We need a working class party 'that fights election in the
knowledge that the real power does not lie in parliament or the town

JW - they also have a whole page feature on the lesson for the LSA
from Lenin and the Duma. This article makes no sense as the situation
in Russia was so different to that in present day Britain. As the
article argues the Bolshevics used their election as a platform on
which to avoid arrest and to prevent comrades being imprisoned or
exiled. Russia had not even managed to attain a stable parliamentary
system and therefore the tactics are not comparable to a local
election for an assembly which few would argue is under threat of
constantly being disolved.

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