Jeff writes,
> I guess I'm not really sure what I'm asking for here in terms of a response.  
> I suppose what I'd be interested in hearing about from anyone reading this, 
> either here or in e-mail, is your response to this sort of description, from 
> a Marxist viewpoint, obviously, of the role of a Union organizer.
> Jeff

First. as far as the activity of the class. Um, well it always goes up and down. If 
you have been a trade unionist as long as I have one clearly sees that at times it can 
go quite a long time before something comes up which is important enough for the broad 
layers to get involved in. But sooner or later it always does and the first place a 
worker usually turns is to his union.

However, the answer to being a union organizer is more complicated. Being and 
organizer in a union without being linked to a party in the long run is utopian. So 
the question is which party, which program, and which tactics one uses as a platform 
for your union work.

Because sooner or later it all comes down to who is leading what where.

Warm regards
Bob M.,

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