["The only difference is that Saddam would kill you in private, where 
the Americans will kill you in public..."]

Saddam Arrest Cheer Fades Into Iraqi Ire at U.S.
Mon Dec 15, 5:03 AM ET

By Joseph Logan

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Joy at the capture of Saddam Hussein (news - web 
sites) gave way to resentment toward Washington Monday as Iraqis 
confronted afresh the bloodshed, shortages and soaring prices of life 
under U.S. occupation.

The morning after Iraq (news - web sites)'s U.S. governor revealed 
the ousted strongman was a disheveled prisoner, Iraqis flooded the 
streets to snatch up newspapers emblazoned with photos of the man who 
ruled them by fear, now humbled and captive.

Many were ecstatic to see Saddam captured and hoped he would answer 
for his deeds but said they would not rush to thank America -- in 
their eyes the source of their problems since a U.S.-led coalition 
toppled Saddam in April.

"I hope that we get the chance to try him our way, to let everyone 
who suffered make him taste what he had made us taste," said Ali 
Hussein, 29, a stationery shop owner who said he was still dizzy with 

"But whether he's in a hole or in jail, it does nothing for me today, 
it won't feed me or protect me or send my children to school," he 

Even as news of Saddam's capture sank in, car bombs ripped through 
two police stations in the capital, the latest in a series of attacks 
U.S. forces blame on loyalists of Saddam and on foreign "terrorists" 
infiltrating Iraq.

President Bush (news - web sites) warned that catching Saddam would 
not end attacks by people who do not "accept the rise of liberty in 
the heart of the Middle East," implying a pledge of a better life 
many Iraqis said Bush was failing to keep.

"It's great that he's caught, but it wasn't him who screwed up the 
petrol and the electricity and everything else so badly, so now a 
canister of gas that was 250 dinars costs 4,000, if you can get one," 
said Ghazi, a 52-year-old dentist, from his car as he queued with 
hundreds of other drivers waiting for petrol.

"This is an oil country and it should be rich. It should not be

Other drivers echoed the complaints of chronic fuel shortages in a 
country with the world's second-largest oil reserves, as well as of 
their treatment at the hands of troops who have killed civilians 
while hunting suspected Saddam partisans or pursuing criminals with 
Iraqi police.

"The Americans promised freedom and prosperity; what's this? Go up to 
their headquarters, at one of those checkpoints where they point 
their guns at you, and tell them that you hate them as much as 
Saddam, and see what they do to you," said Mohammad Saleh, 39, a 
building contractor.

"The only difference is that Saddam would kill you in private, where 
the Americans will kill you in public," he said.

"A lot of things -- safety, freedom, prosperity -- that we were 
supposed to have are gone. They promised many things, and now that 
they have caught Saddam maybe they kept one."

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