Maxime Rodinson

Marxist historian of Islam

Douglas Johnson
Thursday June 3, 2004
The Guardian

The French historian and sociologist Professor Maxime Rodinson, who has
aged 89, was a renowned specialist on Islam and the Arab world. His
meant that he studied Islam in terms of economic and social history,
distancing himself from the tradition of those who studied the subject in
terms of belief and its comparison with Christianity.

The first public demonstration of this approach was his biography
(1961), which has been revised and reprinted many times. Rodinson always
spoke more about Muslims than about Islam, and this book is a key to his
whole work. He did not ignore Islamic texts and, in later publications,
claimed it was only by the misuse of certain texts that some Muslims
to justify terrorism.

Rodinson was an active presence in public debates and controversies,
sometimes inadvertently. Indeed, in 1999 Mohammed was withdrawn from the
curriculum of the American University in Cairo after it was attacked by a
newspaper columnist, and banned by the Egyptian minister for higher
education amid charges that it "denigrated the Islamic faith".

In 1967, on the eve of the six-day war, Rodinson became well known in
when he expressed a certain reticence about Israel, despite himself being
Jewish. He had always been suspicious of Zionism and considered those who
expressed enthusiasm for Israel were indulging in a belated form of

But Israel existed and could not be abolished. Therefore, a Palestinian
state had to be created and supported. So, in 1968, with Jacques Berque,
specialist on Algerian history, Rodinson set up a study group to work for
Palestine state. That year, too, his Israel Et Le Refus Arabe,was
In 1973, his Israel: A Colonial-Settler State? appeared in English.

Born in Marseille, Rodinson was the son of Russian-Polish immigrants, who
became members of the Communist party. His father worked in the clothing
trade, and Maxime became an errand boy at the age of 13. From then on, it
was the struggle for self-education. Books were borrowed, obliging
who did not demand payment, were sought and, since Rodinson recognised
existence of many worlds, he cultivated an interest in the Middle East
its languages.

In 1932, aged 17, he gained entry to the École des Langues Orientales in
Paris, profiting from a system that allowed those without academic
qualifications to take the competitive entrance examination. From then,
had a highly successful academic career. He went to the National Council
Research in 1937, becoming a full-time student of Islam, and also joined
Communist party.

In 1940, he was fortunate to be appointed to the French Institute in
Damascus, both because he could extend his knowledge of Islam and, more
particularly, escape the persecution of Jews in Nazi-occupied France.
his parents subsequently died in Auschwitz.

Returning to Paris in 1948, Rodinson was put in charge of the Muslim
of the Bibliothèque Nationale. In 1955, he became director of studies at
École Pratique des Hautes Études, becoming professor of classical
four years later.

He resigned from the Communist party in 1958 amid accusations that he was
doing this to further his career. But he always insisted that being a
member was like following a religion, and, as an agnostic, he did not
to do this. But he remained a Marxist, and the party indicated privately
that they were prepared to readmit him should he ever ask, though he

Among his other works were Islam Et Capitalisme, (1966, English edition,
1974); Marxisme Et Monde Musulman (1972); Les Arabes, (1979); La
De l'Islam, (1980); L'Islam: Politique Et Croyance (1993); and Europe And
The Mystique Of Islam (published in English, 1989).

One must not forget that Rodinson was also from Marseille; as such, he
had a
great sense of humour and a taste for sometimes daring chansons. He was
married with a daughter and two sons.

· Maxine Rodinson, historian and sociologist, born January 26 1915; died
23 2004

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