Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] AFL-CIO and NAACP

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
I should add: then later, some 'small business interests' rallied around pro-war Demoncrat John Kerry because they felt abused by Bush's cronyism in awarding contracts to a small handful of contractors, who then chose to award sub-contracts that extracted profits for themselves while making the tho

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] AFL-CIO and NAACP

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
>>Use of remaining TARP (bank bailout) funds to get credit flowing to small and medium businesses that would be a direct help to Main Street, rather than Wall Street<< That is indeed quite problematic. For a start because it would just feed federal waste to one of the Repugnican Party's main axis

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Foucault’s Discursive Subject by Blunden

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
One post-script: Certainly a re-consideration of M-P on language and language acquisition helps one to get a better grasp of both Foucault and Derrida in terms of where they started from, who influenced them, and the concepts they themselves arrived at. I will never forget how the eclectic but phi

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Foucault’s Discursive Subject by Blunden

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
While we are on the topic, one system of thought about the matter that is often overlooked is Merleau-Ponty's. Some here might gag on the idea, from Hegel, of the 'objective spirit', but I would point out that you have to deal with this along some range of thoughs arrayed along 'objective idealism

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Foucault’s Discursive Subject by Blunden

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
Perhaps my analysis of cat-human communication was botched. Suffice to say, while my hand gestures get immediate attention, cats ignore them. They are looking for tails and ears. One thing that connects across the species is eyes. However, and this is something 'cat people' at least unconsciously

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Foucault’s Discursive Subject by Blunden

2009-11-24 Thread CeJ
Hey CB, you might find this article interesting. It's a nice synthesis of 'gestural origins' of language with 'mirror neuron' research. Also, I find it interesting how gesture is so different with the cats I interact with on campus. Although gestures meaning things like 'come here' are culturall

[Marxism-Thaxis] Critique of Levi-Strauss' anti-historicism

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Lévi-Strauss’s Charge against Sartre The essence of Lévi-Strauss’s charge against Sartre is that whilst the French state had colonised Algeria by military force, Sartre had subjected Algeria to an epistemological colonisation, by winning the FLN leadership to a narrative of cathartic Maoist world r

[Marxism-Thaxis] Critique of Levi-Strauss' anti-historicism

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Andy Blunden. May 2008 An essay to mark the 100th birthday of Claude Lévi-Strauss Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War (continued) Claude Lévi-Strauss on “History and Dialectic” It must first be noted that some of the claims in this chapter are exaggerated and unsustainable and are contradicted

[Marxism-Thaxis] Levi-Strauss' Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Andy Blunden. May 2008 An essay to mark the 100th birthday of Claude Lévi-Strauss Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War The Background to French Colonisation of Algeria In October 1954, five months after France’s disastrous defeat at Dien Bien Phu, the five ‘historic leaders’ of the various fact

[Marxism-Thaxis] Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War: Criticism of Levi-Strauss

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Andy Blunden. May 2008 An essay to mark the 100th birthday of Claude Lévi-Strauss Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War Introduction The publication of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s “The Savage Mind” in early 1962, as France stood on the precipice of civi

[Marxism-Thaxis] Stalinism: Its Origins & Future

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Subject Section: Andy Blunden 1993 Stalinism: Its Origins & Future VOLUME I: Origins Prologue: The Workers Movement from 1848 to 1917, by Chris Gaffney Introduction 1. Origins of the Workers' Bureaucracy The Workers' Movement

[Marxism-Thaxis] Stalinism: Its Origins & Future

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Stalinism: Its Origins & Future by Andy Blunden What is Stalinism? A very diverse range of politics is subsumed under the heading of ‘Stalinism’. For instance, between 1933 and 1939 Stalinism moved from the extreme left to the

[Marxism-Thaxis] Sandino

2009-11-24 Thread c b
[edit] Emergence as guerrilla leader Sandino (centre) en route to Mexico.Shortly after his return, the Constitutionalist War began when Liberal soldiers in the Caribbean port of Puerto Cabezas revolted against Conservative President Adolfo Díaz, who had recently been installed under U.S. pressure

[Marxism-Thaxis] Sandino

2009-11-24 Thread c b
[edit] Return to Nicaragua, U.S. withdrawal, Sandino's death Even though Sandino had been unable to secure any outside aid for his forces, the Great Depression made overseas military expeditions too costly for the United States. In January 1931, Henry Stimson, who was now Secretary of State, announ

[Marxism-Thaxis] Augusto César Sandino

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Augusto César Sandino >From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Augusto Calderón SandinoThis is a Spanish name; the first family name is Calderón and the second is Sandino. Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino (May 18, 1895 Niquinomo – February 21, 1934 Managua) was a Nicaragu

[Marxism-Thaxis] Sandinista National Liberation Front

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Sandinista National Liberation Front >From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Sandinista) Sandinista National Liberation Front Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional Leader Daniel Ortega Founded 1961 Headquarters Managua, Nicaragua Ideology Socialism, Marxism, Sandinism, Left-

[Marxism-Thaxis] Nicaragua: Sandanistas

2009-11-24 Thread c b
Felipe Stuart: Two signs pointing to more victories -- Managua and Caracas Posted to CN by: "Fred Feldman" Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:47 pm (PST) Felipe Stuart is a writer with decades of experience in Central America. He lives in Managua, Nicaragua. Fred Feldman Yesterday was a turning point for San