This is just more propaganda. It's obvious the US military has been
moving piecemeal out of Iraq and into Kuwait and onto compounds there
for quite some time. It's funny because they went into Iraq at a
division level, and now they make a big propaganda deal out of leaving
at a brigade level. That is what occupying Iraq did to the US
military--it destroyed division-level organization of combat arms,
among other things. The Bradleys and M1 tanks are mostly junk and
proved unusable in either Iraq or Afghanistan, as predicted by many
when the things were first deployed.

The US has plenty of combat troops in Iraq, but as they have for the
past 6 years, they don't operate at a division or brigade level.

As for the 50,000 on the base and embassy complexes, that is augmented
by plenty of hired help, and the US military is waiting for
'developments' that will require them to stay--in good faith to the
budding democracy of Iraq, etc.

There is no way that they are planning on leaving and abandoning those
bases in a year. Shit that was about the only thing they accomplished
the whole time they were there; they got a multi-billion dollar base
complex in the ME built for a couple trillion dollars.


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