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From:                   Gorojovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Risk reduction policies
Date sent:              Sat, 13 Apr 2002 01:21:02 -0300

The only way to reduce the risk of imperialist coups is, from the point
of view
of someone in London, to organize in order to forestall the coup from
belly of the beast.

I can't give you a recipe, Chris. Nor to anyone. But this general truth
is the
only valid answer short of requesting that you overthrow your bourgeois
governments as soon as possible.

And, keep an eye on Argentinean elections, which will take place on 2003
if not
earlier. There is a good probability that we give you still another
reason to
clog the war machines there.

Hope so.
------- End of forwarded message -------
Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky


Compañeros del exercito de los Andes. 

...La guerra se la tenemos de hacer del modo que podamos: 
sino tenemos dinero, carne y un pedazo de tabaco no nos 
tiene de faltar: cuando se acaben los vestuarios, nos 
vestiremos con la bayetilla que nos trabajen nuestras mugeres, 
y sino andaremos en pelota como nuestros paisanos los indios: 
seamos libres, y lo demás no importa nada...

Jose de San Martín, 27 de julio de 1819.


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