Al Dhameer Al Arabi
Yoshie Furuhashi 
Mon Mar 31 02:06:22 MDT 2008

Al Dhameer Al Arabi

Watch a video of "Al Dhameer Al Arabi," The Arab Conscience, produced
and directed by Ahmed Al Arian, featuring 106 Arab singers. Much of
the video cuts back and forth between harrowing images of deaths and
destructions inflicted upon Arabs by American and Israeli wars and
occupations, from Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, and shots of singers
reminding the audience that Arabs must overcome the game of divide and
conquer played by the empire.


The only source of pride for Arabs today, as suggested by the video,
is Hizballah. Arabs who listen to this song must go beyond its
pan-Arabist framework and consider why the only governments in the
Middle East that are giving material support to Hizballah are the
governments of Iran and Syria. When the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon
began, the governments of Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia were in fact
quick to condemn Hizballah till the overwhelming Arab support for the
Party of God forced them to retreat, at least in rhetoric. Hamas's
breach of the Egyptian border to break the siege of Gaza in January
this year also briefly highlighted the Egyptian government's role in
imprisoning Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. The same role
is played by the other pro-American Arab governments as well, albeit
less visibly.

Arabs who care about Palestine and admire Hizballah, a majority of
common people in the Arab world, therefore must reject the empire's
attempt to pit Sunnis against Shi'is and Arabs against Iranians and
establish new governments in their own countries that actually reflect
the Arab public opinion.

By the same token, Iranians mustn't fall for an illusion that, if they
abandon Hamas and Hizballah and help the Americans in Iraq, the empire
will make peace with them. It won't.

Now, an aside to Western leftists. Western leftists must stop and
think about who in Iran are the least enthusiastic about supporting
Hamas and Hizballah: secular and religious liberals who solicit the
support of the West in the name of human rights and democracy, the
very type of people whom Western leftists professed to love. The only
thought about Palestine that occurs to Iranian liberals, in Iran as
well as in the diaspora, is usually "a waste of money" (the same
thought that Russian liberals thought under the Soviet government as
they contemplated the expenses of the Soviet Union's international
commitments). A line from a Persian band Kiosk's song "Eshgh-e Sorat,"
Love for Speed, speaks for them: "scraped up the very last dime / sent
it all to Palestine."


The most fervently anti-Arab Iranians, dogmatic secularists, even
think that their nation began a long decline when Arabs conquered
Persia and brought Islam to its people.

In conclusion, all major problems for Arabs and Iranians -- the
Israeli occupation of Palestine, the US occupation of Iraq, the
US-Israeli threat to Iran -- really require regional, not national,
solutions. Whether such regional solutions can be found depends on
whether Arabs and Iranians can learn to collaborate with each other in
search of them and include both Turks and Kurds as part of their
common regional project in the end.

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