Behind the claim that men are better than women at math...
Sexism disguised as science

Socialist Workers, February 18, 2005

PHIL GASPER exposes the pseudo-science myths of Harvard President Lawrence

IN THE nineteenth century, scientific opinion held that women were
biologically unsuited for a college education because strenuous
intellectual activity would divert energy from their reproductive organs,
causing infertility.

Last month, Harvard University President Lawrence Summers proposed a more
refined version of this view when he suggested that the
under-representation of women in science and engineering fields may be due
to their innate differences with men.

Summers--who in a previous life was Clinton's Treasury Secretary--made his
suggestion at an academic conference in Cambridge, Mass., provoking several
leading women scientists to walk out on his talk. "[W]hen the president of
Harvard University appears to support the theory of innate differences,
that pushes the stereotype into the realm of fact and makes it acceptable
to think that women are just a little dumber by nature," said Nancy
Hopkins, a biology professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Predictably, right-wing media pundits soon leapt to Summers' defense,
praising his courageous stand against the "political correctness" of his
critics. But there is a long tradition of offering unsubstantiated
biological justifications for the status quo that ignore or downplay the
role of bias and discrimination in producing social stratification.

In the 1860s, Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton argued that
intelligence was inherited, because many prominent English families had
long histories of social success. The alternative explanation that what was
inherited was wealth and status seems not to have occurred to him.

Since Galton assumed that existing inequalities reflected fundamental facts
about human nature, he concluded that "the average intellectual standard of
the negro race is some two grades below our own," and that "the Jews are
specialized for a parasitical existence upon other nations."

This kind of outright racism is no longer scientifically respectable, but
similar views about women remain common. Thus, the Harvard sociobiologist
Edward Wilson has proposed that genetic differences between the sexes mean
that "even with identical education and equal access to all professions,
men are likely to play a disproportionate role in political life, business
and science." More recently, the Harvard psychologist (what is it about
that school?) Steven Pinker has made similar claims.

But far from being based on serious scientific evidence, these ideas
reflect widespread social prejudices.

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IT IS obviously the case that men and women are biologically distinct,
including some intriguing differences in brain structure. But there is no
evidence that this results in any significant difference in intellectual

"We adults may think very different things about boys and girls, and treat
them accordingly, but when we measure their capacities, they're remarkably
alike," says another Harvard psychologist, Elizabeth Spelke, who studies
the spatial, quantitative and numerical abilities of young children.
"[W]hile we always test for gender differences in our studies, we never
find them."

By the fourth grade, boys slightly outperform girls on standardized math
and science tests in the U.S. But in some other countries, there is either
no disparity, or the girls outperform the boys. And girls in several of
these countries outperform the U.S. boys. "International comparisons show
the USA test scores being below the average of 41 countries' test scores,"
points out Stanford physics professor Cheryl Spencer. "So are USA-ans
genetically less good at math than the citizens of 20 other countries? By
President Summers' reasoning, they are."

Whatever the test results, they don't explain why fewer men than women
pursue scientific careers.

Actually, about half of the undergraduate science and math degrees awarded
every year go to women, and women in advanced math classes typically do
better than men, with slightly better test scores. But fewer women than men
pursue graduate work in science. In 1997, 250,000 men in the U.S. earned
graduate degrees in science and engineering, but only160,000 women did.
Even fewer find jobs in academia, where only 10 percent of science and math
faculty are women.

Does this reflect innate differences--or plain old-fashioned sexism?

"The atmosphere [in graduate school] isn't compelling or welcoming" to
women, says Harvard physics professor Melissa Franklin. There is
overwhelming anecdotal evidence supporting this observation. "I...have
experienced behavior that is hard to explain in terms of anything but
discrimination; senior male mathematicians ignoring my presence when I'm
introduced to them, or suggesting point-blank that I pursue another
career," reports Lillian Pierce, a math doctoral student at Princeton, and
a former Princeton valedictorian and Rhodes scholar. Women in science, says
Hopkins, "must deal with men like Larry Summers...They'll tell you they
have no bias, but in their head, they are thinking, 'Can women really do

Research studies have also exposed pervasive sexism. In one, male and
female mathematicians were asked to rate articles on a five-point scale. On
average, the men rated the same paper a full point higher if the author was
identified as a man rather than a woman.

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DEVELOPMENTS IN genetics, biotechnology and brain research over the past 15
years have boosted attempts to explain social inequalities and other social
problems in biological terms.

Despite this, efforts to explain aspects of human behavior--from
schizophrenia to homosexuality to "criminality"--in genetic terms have not
produced any credible results. The McGill University neuroscientist Evan
Balaban has described such research as representing a "hierarchy of

In 1993, the media gave prominent attention to the claim, made by
researchers at the University of California-San Francisco, that there is a
gene for alcoholism. Later, when this claim proved to be baseless, much
less attention was given to its retraction. In this case, the researchers
worked in the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, which receives
millions in funding from one of California's biggest manufacturers of cheap

Other examples are more ominous. Last year, a conference on the genetic
basis of aggression was held at the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

According to one participant, Donald Pfaff of New York's Rockefeller
University, studies of the genetic basis of animal behavior have opened the
possibility of creating new drugs to control antisocial action. Another
participant, Ohio State geneticist Randy Nelson, said individuals who
exhibit impetuous behavior would be likely targets. "If there was some sort
of pharmacological treatment that could prevent that sort of impulsive
aggressiveness from occurring, that would probably be ideal," Nelson said.

What is most striking about this supposedly scientific research is the
extent to which it is based on unquestioned right-wing assumptions. The
focus is on the question of why some individuals rather than others turn to
crime and violence in certain social conditions--rather than on the social
conditions themselves, which are simply taken for granted.

Yet the best single predictor for levels of so-called street crime is the
unemployment rate--and it is social differences, not genetic or biological
factors, that explain why crime levels are higher in one time and place as
opposed to another.

Research on the genetics of crime and violence not only downplays social
factors, it focuses almost exclusively on street crimes committed by those
at the bottom of the social order. In fact, white-collar and corporate
crime--together with many business activities that are perfectly legal
under capitalism--cost ordinary citizens far more in financial terms and
are responsible for many more deaths each year.

The greatest violence in our society is unleashed by governments in times
of war. But there is no suggestion from genetic researchers that new
behavior-controlling drugs should be designed and administered to members
of the Bush administration, or to the executives of multinational

Claims that sexual inequality, crime and other aspects of society are
rooted in biology have been refuted time and again, but they continually
re-emerge in new versions because of the ideological value they have for
economic and political elites. We have to expose these pseudo-scientific
myths for what they are--while we fight to end the system that needs them.

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