Book Review: A Country Called Amreeka
By Joel Wendland

A Country Called Amreeka: Arab Roots, American Stories
by Alia Malek
New York: Free Press, 2009

Few, if any, books published in the past 10 years or so which deal
with the histories and lives of people of Arab descent actually deal
with Arabic experiences in America. This fact leaves the impression
that Arab people entered the American consciousness only after 2001.
And while it is clear that predominant views of Arab peoples are
typically distorted, stereotypical and organized to promote violence
and animosity toward Arabic countries, many Americans have furthered
refused careful examination of the experiences of Americans of Arab
descent, both historical and contemporary, in this country. By
detailing the lives of a number of different individuals in different
contexts and times in America, Alia Malek's A Country Called Amreeka
begins to fill in that gap in our collective understanding of our own

Alia Malek is a second generation American of Syrian background. She
works as a civil rights attorney in Baltimore, but her writing
sparkles as she brings to life the men and women who are the subjects
of this book. Though Malek provides a space in which 11 men and women
tell about their individual lives in Amreeka, the Arabic word for the
US, they stand in in some ways for the 3.5 million people of Arab
descent in this country. As she notes, these Americans are of
Christian and Muslim background (of different sects). They live in all
50 states. Some are new immigrants; some came in the wave of the great
migration to the US in the latter part of the 19th century. They are
workers, business owners, teachers and students; they are our
neighbors, co-workers, friends and relatives. They are voters,
consumers, rich and poor.

"The purpose of this book isn't to separate them out," Malek explains,
"but to fold their experience into the mosaic of American history and
deepen our understanding of who we Americans are."

The book opens with the story of Ed Salem, a football star at the
University of Alabama in the 1940s. Salem's family, who were
Christians, had moved to the US a generation before from Lebanon and
made this country their new home. Almost 100,000 people from
Arabic-speaking countries entered the US in this time period, the vast
majority of whom were Christians. Like immigrants from Europe, Salem's
father, Yussef Salem El Ankar had arrived at Ellis Island. Confused by
the pronunciation of his name, authorities there changed it to Joe

The Salem's moved to Birmingham, Alabama where a thriving Lebanese
community existed within the racial hierarchies and violence of the
mid-20th century South. When the civil rights movement challenged
Southern Jim Crow laws, Salem and the Lebanese community found they
were subjected to segregation and racial red-lining in housing.

In each of the stories, Malek sets the individual lives within a
global, national and local context that tells as much about the
individuals as it does about the communities they live in and the
major social and cultural trends at the time. For example, Rabih
AbuSahan, whose family sent him off to Iowa State University in the
mid-1980s both as a way to avoid the violence that plagued their home
country of Lebanon and to help him find more opportunities, struggled
with the complexities of being gay, Muslim and from an Arabic country
just after the first Gulf War (1991), the first World Trade Center
bombing (1993) and the terrorist attack on the federal building in
Oklahoma City (1995).

Because he lived and worked as a medical professional in Midwestern
cities like Kansas City and Des Moines, Rabih felt isolated, Malek
writes. His own religious values promoted a sense of self-hate because
of his sexuality, and this combined with fears about how he would be
treated by Americans generally as a result of the major confrontations
between the US and Arabic countries. Racism, religious bigotry and
homophobia seemed to be a powerful web he could only hide from rather
than confront.

That is until he met other gay men of diverse backgrounds who had
struggled with similar issues. He joined a group called "Men of Colors
and Cultures Together" and began to meet and work with gay men who had
struggled to reconcile their religious values with their sexuality and
the views of their families. He met and worked with men who
experienced racism and fought back with slogans like "Black is

While, according to Malek's narration, Rabih never fully resolves all
the tensions, contradictions and challenges of being in America, he
does finally start to make America his home when he joins the ongoing
struggle for equality and erasing the hatreds that are so much a part
of this country's history.

These are just two of the stories that make this book a worthwhile
read. Richly told and beautifully written, this book is as valuable a
contribution to the American story as Malek hopes it will be.

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