Charlotte Franken, the daughter of Jewish immigrants, was born in London
<>  on 27th April 1894. Her
father, Joseph Franken, was a fur dealer from Germany
<> . In 1906 the family
moved to Belgium <>  when
Franken opened a branch of his business in Antwerp. 

Charlotte was planning to attend Bedford College for Women to study
languages when her father's business suffered a financial collapse. Instead
she enrolled in a shorthand and typing course at a business school in
London. This led to work as a secretary at a concert agency. 

On the outbreak of the First World War
<>  Charlotte's father was
interned as an enemy alien. He was eventually released and in February 1915
was allowed to emigrate with his wife to the United States
<> . 

Charlotte had a strong desire to become a writer and in October 1916 had her
story, Retaliation: A Revenge by Hypnotic Suggestion, published in the
Bystander magazine. On 30th July 1918, Charlotte married Jack Burghes, and
soon afterwards gave birth to a son, Ronnie Burghes.

In 1920 Charlotte began working as a freelance journalist for the Daily
Express <>  until being
given a full-time post by Lord Beaverbrook
<> . Charlotte
contributed several articles on the role of women. A feminist, Charlotte was
particularly critical of women politicians such as Nancy Astor
<>  and Margaret Winteringham
<> , who she believed
had a disappointing record in the House of Commons
<> . 

In 1923 Charlotte interviewed Vera Terrington
<> , the Liberal Party
<>  candidate for Wycombe.
In the article that appeared in the Daily Express
<>  Terrington was quoted
as saying: "If I am elected to Westminster I intend to wear my best clothes.
I shall put on my ospreys and my fur coat and my pearls. Everyone here knows
I live in a large house and keep men servants, and can afford a motorcar and
a fur coat. Every woman would do the same if she could. It is sheer
hypocrisy to pretend in public life that you have no nice things and not to
display them in your home."

Terrington took objection to the way the story was presented in the
newspaper. She particularly disliked the headline 'Aim If Elected - Furs and
Pearls'. The Daily Express
<>  was sued by Terrington,
who claimed that the article written by Charlotte made her look "vain,
frivolous, and an extravagant woman". The judge ruled that Lady Terrington
had not suffered "a farthings worth of damage" and she lost her case. 

Charlotte also wrote for the political magazine Time and Tide
<> . The journal's owner,
Margaret Haig Thomas <> , had
on the death of her father, David Alfred Thomas
<> , attempted to take her
seat in the House of Lords <>
as Viscountess Rhondda, but was kept out after extensive legal proceedings.
Charlotte joined in her campaign and in the Daily Express
<>  wrote that women should
be represented in both houses of parliament.

In 1924 Charlotte interviewed the scientist John Haldane
<>  and best selling
author of Daedalus, Or Science and The Future. They soon became close
friends and in October 1925 Charlotte set up the Science News Service, an
agency syndicating articles by them on the latest scientific discoveries.
These articles appeared in national newspapers and helped to educate people
about modern science. 

In order to obtain a divorce from her husband, Charlotte arranged with a
private detective to spend the night with John Haldane at the Adelphi Hotel
in London. On 20th October 1925 Jack Burghes successfully obtained a divorce
on the grounds of adultery. The case received national publicity and as a
result Haldane was dismissed from Cambridge University
<>  for "gross
immorality". The couple were married on 11th May 1926. 

After her marriage to John Haldane
<>  Charlotte continued to
write for the Daily Express
<>  and the New Statesman
<> . She also wrote books
about women's issues such as Motherhood and Its Enemies and the novels Man's
World (1926), Brother to Bert (1930), I Bring Not Peace (1932), Youth Is A
Crime (1934) and Melusine (1936). 

Charlotte was a member of the Labour Party
<>  and like her husband was
heavily involved in left-wing politics. She was particularly concerned about
the emergence of fascism
<>  in Germany
<>  and Italy
<> . In 1933 she travelled
to Spain <>  where she gave
her support to the Socialist Party
<>  (PSOE) and the
Communist Party <>
(PCE) in the struggle with the Falange Española
<>  and other extreme
right-wing parties. 

On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War
Charlotte supported the Popular Front
<>  government and was
highly critical of the British government's non-intervention
<>  policy. Charlotte and
her husband both joined the Communist Party
<>  and were active in
raising men and money for the International Brigades
<> . Her 16 year old
son, Ronnie Burghes, also joined. She later wrote: " You cannot have your
propaganda and deny to your first, most loyal convert, the right to accept
and act upon it. He was only doing what, had I been his age and sex, I would
myself have done." 

In May 1937 Haldane joined with Duchess of Atholl
<> , Eleanor
Rathbone <> , Ellen
Wilkinson <>  and J. B.
Priestley <>  to
establish the Dependents Aid Committee, an organization which raised money
for the families of men who were members of the British Battalion
<>  in Spain. 

Ronnie Haldane was badly injured at Jarama
<>  and in August 1937 was
forced to return to England. Later that year Charlotte visited Spain
<>  with Paul Robeson
<>  and Eslanda Goode
<>  and reported on the war
for the Daily Worker <> . 

After attending the World Congress Against Fascism in France
<>  in May 1938, Haldane was
sent by the Daily Herald <>
to report on the Communist International being held in China. In February
1939 Haldane was appointed editor of Woman Today, a journal for left-wing
feminists. She also established the Women's Committee for Peace and

On the outbreak of the Second World War
<>  Charlotte attempted to
become a front-line war reporter. At that time there were no women war
correspondents in Britain and she was turned down by the Daily Herald
<>  and the Daily Express
<> . In August 1941 the
Daily Sketch <>  decided to
employ her as a war reporter in the Soviet Union
<> . Charlotte was shocked at
the level of censorship taking place under Joseph Stalin
<> . For example, Haldane
discovered that the Russian people had not been told that England was being
bombed by the Luftwaffe
<> .

Disillusioned by events in the Soviet Union
<> , Charlotte left the
Communist Party <>  when
she returned to London in November 1941. She later wrote that membership of
the party and affected her journalism: "I had lied, cheated, acted under
false pretenses, obeyed and carried out orders from on high, denied all my
inner ethical tenets and spiritual codes for the good of the cause,
convincing myself that the end justified the means." Charlotte wrote about
her experiences in the USSR in her book Russian Newsreel (1941).

In 1942 Charlotte joined George Orwell
<>  at the Eastern Service
of the British Broadcasting Corporation
<>  (BBC) and recorded eight
programes about Russia and China. She also contributed articles for the
Daily Herald <> , the
Evening Standard <>  and
the Tribune <> .

During the Second World War <>
Charlotte wrote a play, Justice Is Deaf. Set in the near future, the story
involves a Communist takeover of Britain. The BBC refused to broadcast it
for political reasons during the war as it was considered to be anti-Soviet.
When it eventually appeared in 1950 it was condemned by the Daily Worker
<> . The newspaper reported
that "most Communists listened to the play with roars of laughter, but it is
not a laughing matter, because, crude though this stuff seems to us, there
are thousands whom the newspapers have already taught to believe that Soviet
justice is like this."

John Haldane <>  obtained
a divorce from his wife in November 1945. He remained a member of the
Communist Party <>  but
Charlotte continued to attack the rule of Joseph Stalin
<> . In an article for the
Sunday Times <>  (27th April
1952) she argued that Stalinism was a modern form of Russian imperialism and
that the Soviet Union <>  was
"a State tyranny which recognises no religion or moral sanctions and stifled
every vestige of free personal activity and expression."

Haldane published her autobiography, Truth Will Out, in 1949. Other books by
Haldane included Marcel Proust (1951), The Gallyslaves of Love (1957),
Mozart (1960), Daughter of Paris (1961), The Last Great Empress of China
(1965) and Queen of Hearts: Marguerite of Valois (1968). Charlotte Haldane
died of pneumonia on 16th March, 1969. 




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Last updated: 7th July, 2002




(1) Charlotte Haldane, Who Will Lead the Women?, Daily Express
<>  (28th September, 1922) 

We have women MPs, women JPs, women labour leaders, women preachers, women
economists, women welfare workers. It is doubtful, however, whether the
average woman would be any the worse off if the whole lot were scrapped

What have they done to guide us? When do they endeavour to enlighten us? How
much have they taught us of the workings of the great world? Where, at the
height of the recent war crisis, were our spokeswomen? Where were Lady
Astor, MP, and Mrs Winteringham, MP? The voices that should have spoken to
us in the hour of action were strangely dumb.

The woman in the street has even less time and ability than the man in the
street to study those intricate problems on which her future and that of her
children depend. It is a pity that some of those who aspire to share the
honour of the government equally with men are so chary to take upon
themselves its responsibility. It is a pity that their arduous public duties
leave them no time to call at the back doors of Mrs Smith and Mrs Brown in
order to bring there some spark of their over flowing enlightenment.


(2) Charlotte Haldane, What Women Brings to the New Year, Daily Express
<>  (30th December, 1922) 

Women did much for the war, and the war did much for women, but its chief
legacies to them were undoubtedly the false values and false vanity it
implanted. At the beginning of this year those values threatened to upset
our best possession - our practical sense of our own value. In our ambition
to hold our own in man's world we foolishly aped all his worst stupidities.
We bobbed our hair, we copied his poses, his drinks, his games, his very


(3) Charlotte Haldane, Daily Express
<>  (5th October, 1927) 

There has never been a time, perhaps, when the maternal point of view has
been more necessary as an inspiration and a practical means of help to the
whole nation. A small boy beaten by an adult will beat the smaller boy
simply because he has experienced the fact that it is safe to hurt some one
smaller than himself. The beating of younger children is probably one of the
contributory causes of world wars. It is, therefore, a crime against

The education of mothers is a matter of urgency in every modern state. But
it is not a simple task. It requires first of all a realisation of the
profound importance of the mother, and the necessity of so arranging matters
that she-has a chance to do her job properly. Overcrowding, inadequate
housing arrangements, old-fashioned installation for lighting, heating,
washing, and cooking make it impossible for women to concentrate on
motherhood. Maternal instincts are not good enough for the modern civilized
mother. A vigorous campaign against flies and dirt is more effective than
the passionate instincts of a million mothers in reducing the baby mortality
from infantile diarrhoea.


(4) Charlotte Haldane, Sunday Express (10th November, 1935) 

If one develops more rapidly than the other, or if one shows signs of
ceasing to develop sooner than the other, disaster threatens the marriage.
There follows boredom, irritation, misunderstanding, unwillingness to
co-operate, and all the psychological causes which lead to divorce -
provided one is rich enough to afford divorce. With immense care and tact
and tenderness on both sides a state of deep affection and friendship would
supercede or be added to the earlier state of passion, which may only have
been transient. Once this has been achieved it is almost bound to be
lasting. I am firmly convinced - although this may shock many - that during
the middle years of marriage a very great deal more freedom should be
allowed to both husbands and wives. Our laws on sexual matters - breach of
promise as well as divorce - may have something to be said in their favour.
But what is certainly to be said against them is that they justify, if they
do not sanctify, two of the basest of all human emotions - predatoriness and
jealousy. They justify vindictiveness. And for this reason they are morally
unsound. There is no financial compensation possible for loss of love.


(5) Charlotte Haldane <>
visited Spain <>  with John
Haldane <>  in 1933.
Charlotte later wrote about their experiences in her autobiography, Truth
Will Out (1949)

The poverty was tragic. It was bad in Cordoba, worse in Granada, almost
universal in Seville. Everywhere was economic, mental and physical
depression. There was a lot of local opposition to the Republic, led and
organized by the Church. The Government's natural idealistic incompetence
was encouraged by systematic sabotage of every project attempted. The male
working population was almost unanimously anarchist. The CNT and
particularly the FAI were the strongest revolutionary parties. Socialism and
Communism, or rather the Trotskyist deviation from that political creed,
were in the minority. But almost the entire female population was firmly
attached to Church politics, under the spiritual and political domination of
the priesthood. Underneath all the beauty and glamour of the landscape, the
architecture, the tradition, the romance, were rumblings of the political
earthquake to come.

(6) After encouraging other people to volunteer for Spain Charlotte Haldane
found it impossible to try and stop her son Ronnie Haldane, from joining the
International Brigades
<> . She wrote about
it in her autobiography, Truth Will Out (1949)

With the same pitiable gallantry, I had (at his age) vowed myself to the
cause of Woman's Suffrage. You cannot have your propaganda and deny to your
first, most loyal convert, the right to accept and act upon it. He was only
doing what, had I been his age and sex, I would myself have done. 


(7) Charlotte Haldane, Truth Will Out (1949)

The fact that I would be aiding and abetting a transaction declared illegal
by the British Government did not worry me at all. I was wholly on the side
of the International Brigade and opposed to the Chamberlain Government's
policy on Spain, disgusted by its apparent fraternisation with the German
Nazis and the Italian Fascists. I had allowed my only child to volunteer,
and he was fighting the Fascists on the outskirts of Madrid. I was doing my
best to help him and his comrades and their dependents; I was speaking
everywhere in aid of Spain; I was an active worker in a noble, just, and
lofty cause. The only nation in the whole world that was sponsoring the
fight of the Spanish workers against Fascism was the Soviet Union; the Third
International was putting to shame the timorous, almost traitorous
inactivity of the Second International. I was proud to belong to the Party
and the movement that was dedicated to freedom and liberty under the banners
of Marx, Engels and Lenin.


(8) Charlotte Haldane met Dolores Ibárruri
<> , one of the leaders
of the Spanish Communist Party
<> , in 1938. She wrote
about it in her autobiography, Truth Will Out (1949)

Back in Barcelona, I was particularly anxious to meet La Pasionaria, the
famous Spanish woman Communist leader. After I had been kept waiting for
some days, an appointment was made for me through the British political
commissar. I bought a huge bunch of scarlet gladioli - there was no food in
the shops, but there were plenty of flowers - and presented myself at the
headquarters of the Spanish Communist Party, a large building, as closely
fortified and guarded as a fortress. There were armed men everywhere. In due
course I was ushered into an important and well-furnished office. Dolores
Ibarruri rose from her seat behind a big mahogany desk, and came forward to
greet me. She had a matronly but magnificent figure, and bore herself with
that unselfconscious nobility and dignity that is so characteristic of
Spaniards, irrespective of birth or class. Her features were regular,
aquiline; her eyes dark and flashing. She had splendid teeth, and her smile
was young and feminine. The voice that in public meetings could enthrall
thousands was, in private conversation, low and melodious, though still
decisive. She told me with gleeful amusement stories of the terrible tales
that had been spread about her by her political enemies. To the fascists she
was a dread, Medusa-like legend.
In fact, she was the daughter of an Asturian miner, and from childhood had
been used to abject poverty and violent political strikes and battles to
gain even the slightest amelioration of the living and working conditions of
her people. She had been illiterate until her teens. Against tremendous
odds, however, she had educated herself whilst earning her living. Her
devotion to the Spanish working class was absolute and completely sincere.
She became one of the greatest
orators her country has produced, on a par with such oratorical stars as
Jaures and Cachin in France. Her nickname was due to the fact that the
passion which filled her whole personality and her voice when she defended
her people or attacked their enemies was a mystical one, and the passion
with which she preached her cause was akin to religious fervour. The hatred
which she was certainly capable of feeling as well as inspiring was due to
an unusual sensibility, an outraged compassion for her fellow men and women,
the inversion of the immense love and loyalty by which she was equally

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