AFP. 12 April 2002. Chavez did not resign, his last education minister,
daughter say.

CARACAS -- Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez did not resign but was taken
prisoner, his last education minister said Friday.

Chavez "told the military staff he was not resigning, that they could go
ahead with their coup and take responsibility for it," said Aristobulo
Isturiz, who was with Chavez at the Miraflores presidential palace until
he was taken to Fort Tiuna base, just hours after the elected leftist
president's government collapsed.

"They took him away under arrest," Isturiz said, denying press reports
Chavez was in hiding and that authorities were searching for him.

Meanwhile Chavez's daughter Maria Gabriela Chavez told Cuban television
from Caracas that her father "at no time has resigned, at no time has he
signed a presidential decree dismissing vice president Diosdado Cabello,
much less resigned himself; some military staff simply went and arrested

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