Eating Less May Extend Your Lifespan -- But Is it Worth It?

By Ari LeVaux, AlterNet. Posted August 8, 2009.

Recent studies indicate cutting your diet by 30 percent of what you're
supposed to eat can extend your life, but living longer isn't

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The idea that eating less can prolong life has been gaining traction
in recent years, thanks to studies on many organisms, including mice,
spiders, dogs and worms, that correlate fewer calories with longer

A group called the Calorie Restriction Society has formed to encourage
and assist people in reducing their long-term caloric intake for the
sake of health. Their diet, called Calorie Restriction with Optimal
Nutrition (CRON), is intended to drastically reduce caloric intake
without starving the body. CRONies, as they call themselves, claim
that in addition to the possibility of living longer and retarding the
effects of aging, they experience increased energy and mental clarity.

We're talking about more than skipping dessert. The CRON diet aims for
a weight of 10-25 percent less than what you weighed in college
(assuming you were healthy, not anorexic or obese). I'm 6' 2'' and
weighed 160 pounds when I was 20. So if I were a CRONie, I'd aim to
weigh about 130 pounds -- 55 pounds less than my current weight.

That may sound extreme, but CRONies received a recent boost from the
results of a long-term study on rhesus monkeys.

The monkeys were divided into two groups, one of which was fed 30
percent fewer calories than the other. The researchers, led by Ricki
J. Colman and Richard Weindruch at the University of Wisconsin,
reported in Science magazine's July 9 issue that after 20 years, the
dieting monkeys show significantly less diabetes, cancer, and heart
and brain disease than the control group.

Calorie restriction entered the mainstream in the 1980s, when UCLA
researcher Dr. Roy Walford began publishing books, including The
120-Year Diet, based on his research with mice. Walford died at 79 of
Lou Gehrig's disease, and his daughter Lisa Walford now carries the
torch. A prominent CRONie, she's 5 feet tall, weighs 80 lbs, and
according to her recent book, The Longevity Diet, enjoys a daily
breakfast of four walnuts, six almonds and 10 peanuts, which is eerily
similar to, but somewhat less, than what I fed a five-ounce parakeet I
recently babysat.

Another of Dr. Walford's disciples is Richard Weindruch, co-author of
the recent monkey study. Weindruch also co-founded LifeGen
Technologies LLC, a company that "works with drug makers to quantify
the effect of possible life-extending drugs." LifeGen's business plan,
based on the premise that most people don't have the willpower to
limit their caloric intake by 30 percent, is to identify and replicate
in pill form the biochemical processes triggered by caloric

When I reached Weindruch by e-mail, he admitted that he himself
doesn't follow a calorie-restricted diet, though he does eat "lots of
vegetables and not much meat." His co-author, Ricki Coleman, has
similarly gone on record acknowledging that she doesn't follow a
low-cal diet, despite their team's conclusion that "these data
demonstrate that caloric restriction slows aging in a primate

While the CRONies are fasting for joy, many scientists and health
experts don't buy it.

Most of the monkeys are still alive, and are expected to keep living
for years, so it's too early to tell if the dieting monkeys really
will live longer. And at this point, according to the researchers, the
difference between the two groups in terms of the deaths that have
occurred so far is not statistically significant.
But if there's yet to be a significant difference in mortality between
the two groups, why has this study made headlines around the world?

Researchers employed some statistical fancy footwork to exclude monkey
deaths deemed not due to age -- including deaths occurring under
anesthesia while blood samples were taken. Thus the researches were
able to show a statistically significant difference between the two
groups of surviving moneys. Skeptics argue the low-cal diet could have
made the monkeys more susceptible to health threats not usually
associated with age.

Infection, for example, isn't considered an age-related disease, but
caloric restriction has been shown to disrupt the immune system and
increase susceptibility to some types of infection, like listeria, in
fruit flies. And the effects of undereating on a number of other
health indicators, like bone density and fertility, while perhaps not
life-threatening, are nonetheless negative.

There's also reason to believe that laboratory conditions don't
adequately simulate real life. Studies that show mice to live as much
as 40 percent longer on a calorie restriction diet are done with lab
mice, which have been bred for high fertility and other
characteristics. According to professor João Pedro de Magalhães at the
Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group at the University of Liverpool,
mice derived from wild populations don't live longer under calorie

In the recent monkey study, the baseline or so-called "normal" caloric
intake of the non-dieting monkeys was determined by observing how much
the monkeys ate in captivity with unlimited access to food. It's
possible these monkeys were overeating, out of boredom perhaps, or,
like many Americans, simply because they could. If the monkeys on the
"normal" diet were in fact overeating, then it's hardly surprising
that the monkeys eating the 30 percent-off diet have lower rates of
diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Given that the average American consumes more than 3,700 calories per
day (according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization), and that
much of it comes from junk food, some calorie restriction would
probably be a good thing for many of us. But if you're not fat, does
it make sense to starve yourself from thin to bony?

Another question relates to the monkey chow. The materials and methods
section of the monkey study doesn't identify the monkey diet,
specifying only that "animals in this study are fed a semipurified,
nutritionally fortified, low fat diet containing 15 percent protein
and 10 percent fat."

Not all calories, protein and fat are equal. Meat from grass-fed beef,
for example, has a healthier balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
acids. Protein from soy has been linked to man-boobs, intestinal
problems in kids, and thyroid illness in adults. Trans fat increases
the risk of heart disease. If the monkeys were fed a diet from
McDonald's, for example, a 30 percent reduction in calories would
certainly explain the relative lack of diabetes and heart disease.

So while the monkey study results are interesting, I'm sticking with
my filling diet of naturally produced and minimally processed foods.
And if I'm wrong? Well, if living 120 years means 120 years of
semi-starvation, I'm not sure I see the point. And I would not be a
pretty sight at 130 pounds.

See more stories tagged with: food, diet, cronies, caloric restriction

Ari LeVaux writes a syndicated weekly food column.

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