This shows you the despicable consequences and delusions of Stalinism. Monthly Review would like to get itself off the hook but one must recall its despicable support for Maoism. The very wording of this article implies that nothing was really wrong in the beginning except excessive centralization, and then the corruption of market socialism messed up the society. Who in their right mind would ever make allowances for China, from Deng Xiaoping onward, or before, during the execrable Cultural Revolution? How stupid, how naive can people be? The answer of course, is that "socialism" is a hobby in the West of the middle class with time on its hands. Slumming in the third world is all these people know. Of course they will delude themselves and then pat themselves on the back for seeing the obvious when it finally becomes convenient to do so.

At 06:38 AM 8/2/2004 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote:
In the next part, Marty and Paul take a close look at the economic
transformation of China in terms of the underlying logic of "market
socialism" rather than as a function of the greed or bad faith of people
at the top. In other words, once China committed itself to market solutions
to long-standing economic problems, all "the same old crap" was destined to

At the close of the Mao era, China faced serious problems that stemmed
an overly centralized planning apparatus. There was underproduction in
sector and overproduction in the other. There were also investment
imbalances. Deng proposed that the country solve these problems by using
market mechanisms. This restructuring of the economy took several stages

Quoting from their conclusion, Marty and Paul make a point that is
for understanding the drawbacks of seeing China as some kind of
model--either socialist or as a nationalist development schema:

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