From: Eric Burns <>
Subject: Fox's John Stossel Has to Go

For the second time in less than a week, Fox News' John Stossel has
used his platform at Fox to stick up for "the right to discriminate."
Tuesday night on The O'Reilly Factor, Stossel continued to call for
the repeal of a portion of the Civil Rights Act -- the section that
protects people from racial discrimination in public accommodations
and businesses.
That's right: Instead of apologizing for his inflammatory comments
about the Civil Rights Act, Stossel doubled down, praising his own
"consistency" on a "complicated" issue.
The truth is, it's not that complicated. Fox should fire John Stossel
instead of continuing to give him a megaphone for his out-of-touch
views. We at Media Matters for America are joining with Color of
Change to send this message to Fox and News Corp.
Tell Fox News: John Stossel has to go.
"Private businesses ought to get to discriminate," Stossel told Fox
host Megyn Kelly last week. He also claimed -- against the evidence of
history -- that we should wait for "free-market competition" to take
care of racial discrimination. Stossel is sticking up for the rights
of those practicing racial discrimination, not those who have been
discriminated against.
Tell Fox News: John Stossel has to go.
Civil rights activists fought hard and braved real danger to end
segregation and pass the Civil Rights Act, and the fight for equal
justice and civil rights continues today. By promoting abhorrent
comments like Stossel's, Fox disrespects that struggle.
What's more, Stossel's comments show ignorance not just of history,
but of the ongoing challenge of racial discrimination. Stossel's
opposition to this key civil rights protection would take us back to a
time when restaurants, movie theaters and swimming pools could pick
and choose who they let in based on race. He'd protect the right of
racists to actively discriminate, and oppose basic rules to ensure
fairness for everyone.
Fox has a troubling history of racially-charged statements by hosts
and guests. Now, Stossel has made it clear where he stands -- but
where does Fox stand? Does it support its employee's comments about
the "right to discriminate" and his insistence on rolling back a
critical portion of the historic Civil Rights Act?
As a Fox contributor, Stossel represents the network, and Fox bears
responsibility for what it airs. By airing Stossel's repugnant
comments, Fox legitimizes his indefensible position and treats it as a
valid point of view. That's a disservice to those who still consider
Fox a legitimate news outlet.
Thousands have already spoken out against Stossel's comments, but he
isn't getting the message. Please join us in holding Fox and News Corp
accountable. They shouldn't provide a platform for Stossel to promote
the right to discriminate. Tell them to fire John Stossel.
Tell Fox News: John Stossel has to go.
Thank you for your support.

Eric Burns
Media Matters for America

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