Ghosts of Germany's Communist Past Return for Election

By: Erik Kirschbaum

- Erik Kirschbaum is a Reuters correspondent in Berlin. August 28th, 2009

Will the party that traces its roots to Communist East
Germany's SED party that built the Berlin Wall soon be
in power in a west German state?

Or is the rise of the far-left "Linke" (Left party) in
western Germany to the brink of its first role as a
coalition partner in a state government with the
centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) simply a political
fact-of-life now so many years after the Wall fell and
the two Germanys were reunited?

Will a "red" government in Saarland scare away
investors and doom the state, as its conservative state
premier Peter Mueller argues in a desperate fight to
his job?

Or will the new leftist alliance in Saarland be able to
better tackle state's woes, as the SPD state premier
candidate Heiko Maas insists?

Depending on your Weltanschauung, that's what Sunday's
election in three German states boils down to - an
emotional debate about whether the ex "Communists" in
the form of the Left party should be allowed to be part
of the next Saarland government or not.

It doesn't matter that the Left has already been in
eastern state governments and will probably also be
part of the next state government in the eastern state
of Thuringia, which also elects a new state assembly on

The "Cold War" has flared up again in Germany ahead of
Sunday's elections in three German states, a closely
watched warm-up for the national election on Sept. 27
when Chancellor Angela Merkel will be seeking a second

It's hard to explain to anyone outside Germany why the
Left party has been seated in state and local
governments throughout eastern Germany for the last 15
years with hardly a murmur while it was until recently
an absolute taboo in western Germany. It's also not
easy to explain to some Germans, especially those born
after the Cold War.

But here goes: Many western voters have until now had a
knee-jerk reaction to the Left party - as well as its
predecessor the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS),
which is the direct descendent of Erich Honecker's SED.
Westerners remember the Wall, the shoot-to-kill orders,
the barbed wire and the Iron Curtain that divided post-
war Germany.

"It's not a big deal in Saarland anymore," Maas, the
SPD candidate in Saarland, told me in an interview on
the campaign trail in Saarbruecken this week. "The CDU
is trying to make a scandal out of it. They've been
trying to whip up fears about `red-red' for months but
there hasn't been any movement in the opinion polls. I
think that shows people aren't interested in the
parties mud-slinging about coalitions. They're tired of
those games. They want political leaders to resolve
their problems."

Many eastern voters long ago realised the Left party is
not the SED that built the Wall. In the east, the Left
has become the most powerful party in many regions
partly due to nostalgia for East Germany but mainly due
to its fighting for leftist ideals as well as standing
up for the so-called "losers" of unification.

"A `red-red' government would send Saarland down the
tubes," said CDU leader Mueller.  And Merkel added at a
rally in Saarbruecken: "This state cannot be allowed to
fall into the hands of `red-red'." She does not use
that line in her campaign speeches in the former
Communist east, where she was raised, because she knows
it would sound ridiculous to eastern ears.

The SPD rules out a "red-red" coalition with the Left
party at the national level because of deep differences
over foreign and economic policy. But it now says it is
ready to open the door to such alliances in western
states - after some painful experiences in the last few
years. And Maas in Saarland could be the first to go
through. The SPD will probably drop that ban on "red-
red" coalitions at the national level someday as well
after having abandoned it for eastern Germany in 1994.

So is it "The Commies are at the Gate in Saarland?"  Or
is it just part of a democratic evolution that the
renamed, reborn East German Communists are about to
gain a small but important foothold in western Germany?

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