Monopoly Media Manipulation

May 2001

In a capitalist “democracy” like the United States, the corporate news
media faithfully reflect the dominant class ideology both in their
reportage and commentary. At the same time, these media leave the
impression that they are free and independent, capable of balanced
coverage and objective commentary. How they achieve these seemingly
contradictory but legitimating goals is a matter worthy of study.
Notables in the media industry claim that occasional inaccuracies do
occur in news coverage because of innocent error and everyday
production problems such as deadline pressures, budgetary restraints,
and the difficulty of reducing a complex story into a concise report.
Furthermore, no communication system can hope to report everything,
hence selectivity is needed.

To be sure, such pressures and problems do exist and honest mistakes
are made, but do they really explain the media’s overall performance?
True the press must be selective, but what principle of selectivity is
involved? I would argue that media bias usually does not occur in
random fashion; rather it moves in more or less consistent directions,
favoring management over labor, corporations over corporate critics,
affluent whites over low income minorities, officialdom over
protestors, the two-party monopoly over leftist third parties,
privatization and free market “reforms” over public sector
development, U.S. dominance of the Third World over revolutionary or
populist social change, and conservative commentators and columnists
over progressive or radical ones.

Suppression by Omission

Some critics complain that the press is sensationalistic and invasive.
In fact, it is more often muted and evasive. More insidious than the
sensationalistic hype is the artful avoidance. Truly sensational
stories (as opposed to sensationalistic) are downplayed or avoided
outright. Sometimes the suppression includes not just vital details
but the entire story itself, even ones of major import. Reports that
might reflect poorly upon the national security state are least likely
to see the light of day. Thus we hear about political repression
perpetrated by officially designated “rogue” governments, but
information about the brutal murder and torture practiced by
U.S.-sponsored surrogate forces in the Third World, and other crimes
committed by the U.S. national security state are denied public
airing, being suppressed with a consistency that would be called
“totalitarian” were it to occur in some other countries.

The media downplay stories of momentous magnitude. In 1965 the
Indonesian military — advised, equipped, trained, and financed by the
U.S. military and the CIA — overthrew President Achmed Sukarno and
eradicated the Indonesian Communist Party and its allies, killing half
a million people (some estimates are as high as a million) in what was
the greatest act of political mass murder since the Nazi Holocaust.
The generals also destroyed hundreds of clinics, libraries, schools,
and community centers that had been established by the Communists.
Here was a sensational story if ever there was one, but it took three
months before it received passing mention in Time magazine and yet
another month before it was reported in the New York Times (April 5,
1966), accompanied by an editorial that actually praised the
Indonesian military for “rightly playing its part with utmost

Over the course of forty years, the CIA involved itself with drug
traffickers in Italy, France, Corsica, Indochina, Afghanistan, and
Central and South America. Much of this activity was the object of
extended congressional investigation — by Senator Church's committee
and Congressman Pike’s committee in the 1970s, and Senator Kerry's
committee in the late 1980s. But the corporate capitalist media seem
not to have heard about it.

Attack and Destroy the Target

When omission proves to be an insufficient mode of censorship and a
story somehow begins to reach larger publics, the press moves from
artful avoidance to frontal assault in order to discredit the story.
In August 1996, the San Jose Mercury News, drawing from a year-long
investigation, ran an in-depth series about the CIA-contra crack
shipments that were flooding East Los Angeles. Holding true to form,
the major media mostly ignored the issue. But the Mercury News series
was picked up by some local and regional newspapers, and was flashed
across the world on the Internet copiously supplemented pertinent
documents and depositions supporting the charges against the CIA.
African American urban communities, afflicted by the crack epidemic,
were up in arms and wanted to know more. The story became difficult to
ignore. So, the major media began an all-out assault. A barrage of hit
pieces in the Washington Post and New York Times and on network
television and PBS assured us that there was no evidence of CIA
involvement, that the Mercury News series was “bad journalism,” and
that its investigative reporter Gary Webb was irresponsibly playing on
the public's gullibility and conspiracy mania. By a process of
relentless attack and shameless mendacity, the major media exonerated
the CIA from any involvement in drug trafficking.


Like all propagandists, mainstream media people seek to prefigure our
perception of a subject with a positive or negative label. Some
positive ones are: “stability,” “the president’s firm leadership,” “a
strong defense,” and “a healthy economy.” Indeed, not many Americans
would want instability, wobbly presidential leadership, a weak
defense, and a sick economy. The label defines the subject without
having to deal with actual particulars that might lead us to a
different conclusion.

Some common negative labels are: “leftist guerrillas,” “Islamic
terrorists,” “conspiracy theories,” “inner-city gangs,” and “civil
disturbances.” These, too, are seldom treated within a larger context
of social relations and issues. The press itself is facilely and
falsely labeled “the liberal media” by the hundreds of conservative
columnists, commentators, and talk-shows hosts who crowd the
communication universe while claiming to be shut out from it. Some
labels we will never be exposed to are “class power,” “class
struggle,” and “U.S. imperialism.”

A new favorite among deceptive labels is “reforms,” whose meaning is
inverted, being applied to any policy dedicated to undoing the reforms
that have been achieved after decades of popular struggle. So the
destruction of family assistance programs is labeled “welfare reform.”
“Reforms” in Eastern Europe, and most recently in Yugoslavia, have
meant the heartless impoverishment of former Communist countries, the
dismantling of what remained of the public economy, its
deindustrialization and expropriation at fire sale prices by a
corporate investor class, complete with massive layoffs, drastic
cutbacks in public assistance and human services, and a dramatic
increase in unemployment and human suffering. “IMF reforms” is a
euphemism for the same kind of bruising cutbacks throughout the Third
World. As Edward Herman once noted, “reforms” are not the solution,
they are the problem.

In April 2001, the newly elected prime minister of Japan, Junichiro
Koisumi, was widely identified in the U.S. media as a “reformer.” His
free-market “reforms” include the privatization of Japan’s postal
saving system. Millions of Japanese have their life savings in the
postal system and the “reformer” Koisumi wants private investors to be
able to get their hands on these funds.

“Free market” has long been a pet label, evoking images of economic
plenitude and democracy. In reality, free-market policies undermine
the markets of local producers, provide state subsidies to
multinational corporations, destroy public sector services, and create
greater gaps between the wealthy few and the underprivileged many.

Another favorite media label is “hardline.” Anyone who resists
free-market “reforms,” be it in Belarus, Italy, Peru, or Yugoslavia,
is labeled a “hardliner.” An article in the New York Times (10/21/97)
used “hardline” and “hardliner” eleven times to describe Bosnian Serb
leaders who opposed attempts by NATO forces to close down the
“hardline Bosnian Serb broadcast network.” The radio station in
question was the only one in all of Bosnia that offered a perspective
critical of Western intervention in Yugoslavia. The forceful closing
of this one remaining dissenting media voice was described by the
Times as “a step toward bringing about responsible news coverage in
Bosnia.” The story did note “the apparent irony” of using foreign
soldiers for “silencing broadcasts in order to encourage free speech.”
The NATO troops who carried out this repressive task were identified
with the positive label of “peacekeepers.”

It is no accident that labels like "hardline" are never subjected to
precise definition. The efficacy of a label is that it not have a
specific content which can be held up to a test of evidence. Better
that it be self-referential, propagating an undefined but evocative

Preemptive Assumption

Frequently the media accept as given the very policy position that
needs to be critically examined. Whenever the White House proposes an
increase in military spending, press discussion is limited to how much
more spending is needed, how much updating of weaponry; are we doing
enough or need we do still more? No media exposure is given to those
who hotly contest the already gargantuan arms budget in its totality.
It is assumed that U.S. forces must be deployed around the world, and
that hundreds of billions must be spent each year on this global
military system.

Likewise with media discussion of Social Security “reform,” a
euphemism for the privatization and eventual abolition of a program
that is working well. The media preemptively assume the very dubious
position that needs to be debated: that the program, is in danger of
insolvency (in thirty years) and therefore in need of drastic
overhauling today. Social Security operates as a three-pronged human
service: in addition to retirement pensions, it provides survivors’
insurance (up until the age of 18) to children in families that have
lost their breadwinner, and it offers disability assistance to persons
of pre-retirement age who have sustained serious injury or illness.
But from existing press coverage you would not know this — and most
Americans do not.

Face-Value Transmission

Many labels are fabricated not by news media but by officialdom. U.S.
governmental and corporate leaders talk about “our global leadership,”
“national security,” “free markets,” and “globalization” when what
they mean is “All Power to the Transnationals.” The media uncritically
and dutifully accept these official views, transmitting them to wider
publics without any noticeable critical comment regarding the actual
content of the policy. Face-value transmission has characterized the
press’s performance in almost every area of domestic and foreign

When challenged on this, reporters respond that they cannot inject
their own personal views into their reports. Actually, no one is
asking them to. My criticism is that they already do, and seldom
realize it. Their conventional ideological perceptions usually
coincide with those of their bosses and with officialdom in general,
making them face-value purveyors of the prevailing orthodoxy. This
uniformity of bias is perceived as “objectivity.”

The alternative to challenging face-value transmission is not to
editorialize about the news but to question the assertions made by
officialdom, to consider critical data that might give credence to an
alternative view. Such an effort is not an editorial or ideological
pursuit but an empirical and investigative one, albeit one that is not
usually tolerated in the capitalist press beyond certain safely
limited parameters.

Slighting of Content

One has to marvel at how the corporate news media can give so much
emphasis to surface happenings, to style and process, and so little to
the substantive issues at stake. A glaring example is the way
elections are covered. The political campaign is reduced to a horse
race: Who will run? Who will get the nomination? Who will win the
election? News commentators sound like theater critics as they hold
forth on how this or that candidate projected a positive image, came
across effectively, and had a good rapport with the audience. The
actual issues are accorded scant attention, and the democratic
dialogue that is supposed to accompany a contest for public office
rarely is heard through the surface din.

Accounts of major strikes — on those rare occasions the press attends
to labor struggles — offer a similar slighting of content while
focusing heavily on process. We are told how many days the strike has
lasted, the inconvenience and cost to the public and the economy, and
how negotiations threaten to break down. Missing is any reference to
the substance of the conflict, the grievances that drive workers
reluctantly to the extreme expediency of a strike, such as, cutbacks
in wages and benefits, loss of seniority, safety issues, or the
unwillingness of management to negotiate a contract.

Media pundits often talk about the “larger picture.” In fact, their
ability or willingness to link immediate events and issues to larger
social relations is almost nonexistent, nor would a broader analysis
be tolerated by their bosses. Instead, they regularly give us the
smaller picture, this being a way of slighting content and remaining
within politically safe boundaries. Thus the many demonstrations
against international free-trade agreements beginning with NAFTA and
GATT are reported, if at all, as contests between protestors and
police with little reference to the issues of democratic sovereignty
and unaccountable corporate power that impel the protestors.

Consider the press treatment of the suppression of the vote in Florida
during the 2000 presidential campaign. After a count of ballots by the
Miami Herald and USA Today, that took a limited view of what was open
to challenge, major media across the country announced that Bush in
fact won in Florida. Other investigations indicate that such was not
the case at all, but these remain largely unpublicized. Furthermore,
press treatment has focused almost exclusively on problems relating to
questionable counts, with much discussion of ballot “dimples” and
“chads.” But in the aftermath, hardly a word was uttered about the
ballots that were never collected, and the thousands of people who
were disfranchised by the repressive ploys of Florida officials and
state troopers. Again, what we got was the smaller (safer) picture,
one that does not challenge the legitimacy of the electoral process
and the authorities who preside over it.

False Balancing

In accordance with the canons of good journalism, the press is
supposed to tap competing sources to get both sides of an issue. In
fact, both sides are seldom accorded equal prominence. One study found
that on NPR, supposedly the most liberal of the mainstream media,
right-wing spokespeople are often interviewed alone, while liberals —
on the less frequent occasions they appear — are almost always offset
by conservatives. Furthermore, both sides of a story are not usually
all sides. The whole left-progressive and radical portion of the
opinion spectrum is amputated from the visible body politic.

False balancing was evident in a BBC World Service report (December
11, 1997) that spoke of “a history of violence between Indonesian
forces and Timorese guerrillas” — with not a hint that the guerrillas
were struggling for their lives against an Indonesian invasion force
that had slaughtered some 200,000 Timorese. Instead, the genocidal
invasion of East Timor was made to sound like a grudge fight, with
“killings on both sides.” By imposing a neutralizing gloss, the BBC
announcer was introducing a serious distortion.

The U.S.-supported wars in Guatemala and El Salvador during the 1980s
were often treated with that same kind of false balancing. Both those
who burned villages and those who were having their villages burned
were depicted as equally involved in a contentious bloodletting. While
giving the appearance of being objective and neutral, one actually
neutralizes the subject matter and thereby drastically warps it.

Follow-up Avoidance

When confronted with an unexpectedly dissident response, media hosts
quickly change the subject, or break for a commercial, or inject an
identifying announcement: “We are talking with [whomever].” The
purpose is to avoid going any further into a politically forbidden
topic no matter how much the unexpected response might seem to need a
follow-up query. An anchorperson for the BBC World Service (December
26, 1997) enthused: “Christmas in Cuba: For the first time in almost
forty years Cubans were able to celebrate Christmas and go to church!”
She then linked up with the BBC correspondent in Havana, who observed,
“A crowd of two thousand have gathered in the cathedral for midnight
mass. The whole thing is rather low key, very much like last year.”
Very much like last year? Here was something that craved
clarification. Instead, the anchorperson quickly switched to another
question: "Can we expect a growth of freedom with the pope’s visit?“

On a PBS talk show (January 22, 1998), host Charlie Rose asked a
guest, whose name I did not get, whether Castro was bitter about “the
historic failure of communism”. No, the guest replied, Castro is proud
of what he believes communism has done for Cuba: advances in health
care and education, full employment, and the elimination of the worst
aspects of poverty. Rose fixed him with a ferocious glare, then turned
to another guest to ask: "What impact will the pope's visit have in
Cuba?“ Rose ignored the errant guest for the rest of the program.


The most effective propaganda relies on framing rather than on
falsehood. By bending the truth rather than breaking it, using
emphasis and other auxiliary embellishments, communicators can create
a desired impression without resorting to explicit advocacy and
without departing too far from the appearance of objectivity. Framing
is achieved in the way the news is packaged, the amount of exposure,
the placement (front page or buried within, lead story or last), the
tone of presentation (sympathetic or slighting), the headlines and
photographs, and, in the case of broadcast media, the accompanying
visual and auditory effects.

Newscasters use themselves as auxiliary embellishments. They cultivate
a smooth delivery and try to convey an impression of detachment that
places them above the rough and tumble of their subject matter.
Television commentators and newspaper editorialists and columnists
affect a knowing tone designed to foster credibility and an aura of
certitude, or what might be called “authoritative ignorance,” as
expressed in remarks like “How will this situation end? Only time will
tell.” Or, “No one can say for sure.” Trite truisms are palmed off as
penetrating truths. Newscasters learn to fashion sentences like
“Unless the strike is settled soon, the two sides will be in for a
long and bitter struggle.” And “The space launching will take place as
scheduled if no unexpected problems arise.” And “Unless Congress acts
soon, this bill is not likely to go anywhere.” Stuff Just Happens

Many things are reported in the news but few are explained. Little is
said about how the social order is organized and for what purposes.
Instead we are left to see the world as do mainstream pundits, as a
scatter of events and personalities propelled by happenstance,
circumstance, confused intentions, bungled operations, and individual
ambition — rarely by powerful class interests. Passive voice and
impersonal subject are essential rhetorical constructs for this mode
of evasion. So we read or hear that “fighting broke out in the
region,” or “many people were killed in the disturbances,” or "famine
is on the increase.” Recessions apparently just happen like some
natural phenomenon ("our economy is in a slump"), having little to do
with the constant war of capital against labor and the contradictions
between productive power and earning power.

If we are to believe the media, stuff just happens. Consider
“globalization,” a pet label that the press presents as a natural and
inevitable development. In fact, globalization is a deliberate
contrivance of multinational interests to undermine democratic
sovereignty throughout the world. International “free trade”
agreements set up international trade councils that are elected by no
one, are accountable to no one, operate in secrecy without conflict of
interest restrictions, and with the power to overrule just about all
labor, consumer, and environmental laws, and all public services and
regulations in all signatory nations. What we actually are
experiencing with GATT, NAFTA, FTAA, GATS, and the WTO is
deglobalization, an ever greater concentration of politico-economic
power in the hands of an international investor class, a global coup
d'etat that divests the peoples of the world of any trace of
protective democratic input.

In keeping with the liberal paradigm, the media never asks why things
happen the way they do. Social problems are rarely associated with the
politico-economic forces that create them. So we are taught to
truncate our own critical thinking. Imagine if we attempted something
different. Suppose we report, as is seldom reported, that the harshly
exploitative labor conditions existing in so many countries generally
has the backing of their respective military forces. Suppose further
that we cross another line and note that these rightwing military
forces are fully supported by the U.S. national security state. Then
suppose we cross that most serious line of all and instead of just
deploring this fact we also ask why successive U.S. administrations
have involved themselves in such unsavory pursuits throughout the
world. Suppose we conclude that the whole phenomenon is consistent
with a dedication to making the world safe for free-market corporate
capitalism, as measured by the kinds of countries that are helped and
the kinds that are attacked. Such an analysis almost certainly would
not be printed anywhere except in a few select radical publications.
We crossed too many lines. Because we tried to explain the particular
situation (bad labor conditions) in terms of a larger set of social
relations (corporate class power), our presentation would be rejected
out of hand as “Marxist” — which indeed it is, as is much of reality

In sum, the news media’s daily performance under what is called
“democratic capitalism” is not a failure but a skillfully evasive
success. We often hear that the press “got it wrong” or “dropped the
ball” on this or that story. In fact, the media do their job
remarkably well. Media people have a trained incapacity for the whole
truth. Their job is not to inform but disinform, not to advance
democratic discourse but to dilute and mute it. Their task is to give
every appearance of being conscientiously concerned about events of
the day, saying so much while meaning so little, offering so many
calories with so few nutrients. When we understand this, we move from
a liberal complaint about the press's sloppy performance to a radical
analysis of how the media maintain the dominant paradigm with much
craft and craftiness.

Michael Parenti’s most recent books are To Kill a Nation (Verso) and
History as Mystery (City Lights).

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