
Matthijs  wrote:

I agree with this sentiment. I think that while support for Western
workers against Western capital, including their unions, is necessary,
we shouldn't conveniently lose sight of the fact that these unions
been very successful in negotiating with capital to share the spoils
the plunder of the Third World with their members. The corruption and
reformism of Western major unions is not a coincidence - they are a
labor aristocracy in many cases, if you look at it from a global

I think it is disingenuous for us to focus on the increase in relative
immiseration in the First World, even though that is of itself true,
because the increases in absolute wealth among (white) workers in this
part of the world have been so enormous that they cannot be swept away
as irrelevant by pointing at relative difference. Instead, we should
recognize that the social-democratic movement has had success in
the profits gained from the real immiseration of the Third World, both
relative and absolute (although more so relatively), among First World
workers, sufficient to make the vast majority of them supportive of
current world system. Therefore, the real revolutionary kind of
immiseration, whether you conceive of it as relative or as absolute,
_for the greatest part_ going to be found in the Third World.

Matthijs Krul

CB: I agree with your overall points.  However, the main revolution
that the whole world needs is in the US. Since, the US is the
imperialist center of this epoch, a revolution here would give
significant relief to the workers in the Third World.   The only ones
who can make a revolution in the US are the US masses. So, we US
activists have the responsibility of focusing on making a revolution
the US, even if the potential for revolution is greater in the Third

Subject: [Pen-l] Naomi Klein: Beware of Obama's Chicago School of
From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 14:25:56 -0400

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