
  Let's take action against the foreclosure crimes these BANKSTERS are
committing against US, the people.
  "Home Foreclosures" are the "CRIME of the CENTURY"; please join in this
demonstration on this coming Wednesday.


From: []
On Behalf Of apcjerry
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 11:24 AM
To: apcjerry
Subject: Protest Wed. against Bank of America foreclosures

Emergency Protest at Bank of America

Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010, 12 noon

500 Griswold, downtown Detroit

Tell Bank of America

Stop the foreclosure/eviction of Michelle Hart!

Sign on today to the “Helping Hardest Hit Homeowners” program to keep
unemployed workers in their homes!

Michelle Hart and her elderly mother face imminent foreclosure and eviction
from their home in Southfield, Mich., by Countrywide and Bank of America.
The bank refuses to modify Ms. Hart’s usurious, adjustable-rate mortgage,
even though it signed a binding Consent Agreement with the Attorney
General’s office on Oct. 6, 2008, to modify loans.  Ms. Hart has fought in
court for a year and a half now to get BOA and Countrywide to abide by the
Consent Agreement and modify her loan.  But the bank refuses and is forging
full steam ahead to evict her and her mother, who suffers from pancreatic
cancer.  BOA would rather toss them out on the street than negotiate a loan
modification even though Ms. Hart is able and willing to make her mortgage
payments, if only they will modify her loan to reflect her reduced income.
Like so many others, Ms. Hart faced job loss and then found temporary work
at lower wages.

In the meantime, the “Help for Hardest Hit Homeowners” program that provides
over $282 million in federal monies to Michigan to keep unemployed workers
in their homes is failing because NOT ONE MAJOR LENDER, INCLUDING
to the street and protest these outrages!

·         Stop the eviction of Michelle Hart and her mother

·         Demand Bank of America and all major lenders & servicers (Chase,
Wells Fargo, Ocwen, etc.) immediately agree to participate in Michigan’s
‘Help for Hardest Hit Homeowners’ program to keep unemployed workers in
their homes

·         IMMEDIATE MORATORIUM on all foreclosures

·         Bail out PEOPLE, not banks

The Moratorium NOW! Coalition, along with the Michigan Emergency Committee
Against War & Injustice, holds weekly organizing meetings every Monday at
7:00 p.m. at 5920 Second Avenue in Detroit.  All are welcome.

Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility

Phone: (313) 887-4344 E-mail:  Web site:

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