In a message dated 7/13/2010 9:23:23 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
(Note:  The title is extremely revealing) 

An increased number of labourers under the control of one capitalist is  
the natural starting-point, as well of co-operation generally, as of 
manufacture  in particular. But the division of labour in manufacture makes 
increase in  the number of workmen a technical necessity. 
(Note: what makes the increase in the number of workers necessary is not  
capital as a social power but the technical aspect of division of labor). 

1). The minimum number that any given capitalist is bound to employ is  
here prescribed by the previously established division of labour. On the other  
hand, the advantages of further division are obtainable only by adding to 
the  number of workmen, and this can be done only by adding multiples of the 
various  detail groups. But an increase in the variable component of the 
capital employed  necessitates an increase in its constant component, too, in 
the workshops,  implements, &c., and, in particular, in the raw material, the 
call for which  grows quicker than the number of workmen. The quantity of 
it consumed in a given  time, by a given amount of labour, increases in the 
same ratio as does the  productive power of that labour in consequence of its 
division. Hence, it is a  law, based on the very nature of manufacture, 
that the minimum amount of  capital, which is bound to be in the hands of each 
capitalist, must keep  increasing; in other words, that the transformation 
into capital of the social  means of production and subsistence must keep 
extending. [39] 
(Note In the last sentence above Marx speaks of the "very nature of  
manufacture" and in the following sentence below he speaks of "a form of  
existence" or mode of existence of capital. Or what is the same capital as a  
of accumulation.) 
2). In manufacture, as well as in simple co-operation, the collective  
working organism is a form of existence of capital. The mechanism that is made  
up of numerous individual detail labourers belongs to the capitalist. Hence, 
the  productive power resulting from a combination of labours appears to be 
the  productive power of capital. Manufacture proper not only subjects the 
previously  independent workman to the discipline and command of capital, 
but, in addition,  creates a hierarchic gradation of the workmen themselves. 
While simple  co-operation leaves the mode of working by the individual for 
the most part  unchanged, manufacture thoroughly revolutionises it, and 
seizes labour-power by  its very roots. 
(Note: I read the above as follows: In manufacture, as well as in simple  
co-operation, the collective working organism is a form of existence of 
capital.  The mechanism that is made up of numerous individual detail labourers 
IS  OWNED BY the capitalist, BUT THE MECHANISM IS NOT CAPITAL.  Hence, the  
productive power resulting from a combination of labours ONLY appears to be 
the  productive power of capital. THE MECHANISM IS Manufacture proper . . . . 
WHICH,  not only subjects the previously independent workman to the 
discipline and  command of capital, but, in addition, creates a hierarchic 
gradation of the  workmen themselves. While simple co-operation leaves the mode 
working by the  individual for the most part unchanged, manufacture 
thoroughly revolutionises  it, and seizes labour-power by its very roots.)  

3). It converts the labourer into a crippled monstrosity, by forcing his  
detail dexterity at the expense of a world of productive capabilities and  
instincts; just as in the States of La Plata they butcher a whole beast for 
the  sake of his hide or his tallow. Not only is the detail work distributed 
to the  different individuals, but the individual himself is made the 
automatic motor of  a fractional operation, [40] and the absurd fable of 
Agrippa, which  makes man a mere fragment of his own body, becomes realised. 
[41] If, at first,  the workman sells his labour-power to capital, because 
the material means of  producing a commodity fail him, now his very 
labour-power refuses its services  unless it has been sold to capital. Its 
can be exercised only in an  environment that exists in the workshop of the 
capitalist after the sale. By  nature unfitted to make anything 
independently, the manufacturing labourer  develops productive activity as a 
appendage of the capitalist’s workshop.  [42] As the chosen people bore in 
features the sign manual of Jehovah, so  division of labour brands the 
manufacturing workman as the property of  capital.
(Note: "If, at first, the workman sells his labour-power to capital,  
because the material means of producing a commodity fail him, now his very  
labour-power refuses its services unless it has been sold to capital. Its  
functions can be exercised only in an environment that exists in the workshop 
the capitalist after the sale."
Under point 2). Marx speaks of  "the collective working organism is a  form 
of existence of capital" and in my mind this begs the question: "What is  
the collective working organism" if not means of production + the  human?   
Means of production + the human = division of labor. This  formula becomes a 
form or mode of existence of capital but in and of itself is  no more 
capital than "the man in moon." 
Thus, I tend to locate the source or genesis of antagonism in property  
rather than means of production. On the other hand the contradiction  between 
old and new means of production is the self contained inherent  movement of 
human beings in the environment of earth, struggling and  developing the 
means to reproduce our self affirming life activity. 
Finally Marx speak of the appearance of the free laborer in the 15 th  
century. One might call this the beginning of capitalism but no one can call  
this the emergence of the capitalist mode of commodity production as a system. 


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