>From report in Morning Star (UK) linked to the Communist Party of
Britain, of a talk on the 121st anniversary of the death of Karl Marx
Mar 14 1883 at Marx Memorial Library last month by Dr John Callow:

"There are few grounds on which to suppose that the age of Marx has
passed us by and many on which to conclude that it has still yet to

"The grand sweep and creative power of Marx's thought, though often
unacknowledged, extends today into almost every sphere of human life.

Without him, it is practically impossible to conceive of - yet alone
to explain - the forces of health care, education, and the alleviation
of want.
His vocabulary has, to an extent become our vocabulary....

In this light, rather than having failed, Marx has almost become the
victim of his own success.

So many of his core beliefs that he championed - his opposition to
racism, poverty and oppression, both at home and abroad - which seemed
so strange or impractical during an age of European empires, have now
become firmly incorporated within the mainstream fabric of our own

Furthermore, it is no longer difficult to envisage a world where the
essential needs of food, clean water and housing, together with the
provision of health care, education and social security during times
of misfortune or old age could be freely available fo all, without

We have the means and knowledge available.

All that is required for these simple things, so very difficult to
achieve, is our unity, strength and pride."

Chris Burford

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