NY Times, June 2, 2003
Troops Attacked in Baghdad in Fresh Signs of Resistance

BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 1 — Gunmen firing rocket-propelled grenades and 
assault rifles attacked an American military convoy late today in the 
neighborhood where Saddam Hussein made his last public appearance on 
April 9, the day the capital fell to allied forces.

At least one American soldier was wounded and one Iraqi civilian was 
killed in the firefight that erupted on the busy square in front of the 
Abu Hanifa mosque, according to an Iraqi hospital official who treated 
the wounded. Other medical workers said three Iraqi civilians were also 

"This is just the beginning!" shouted a woman who identified herself as 
Shahrezad, a bank manager. "You are our enemy. You entered Iraq 
searching for weapons, but where are the weapons?" she asked, referring 
to chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

Some residents cheered the attack, and said they longed for the return 
of Mr. Hussein. But others in the crowd said they were happy Mr. Hussein 
was gone, and blamed hard-line supporters of his Baath Party for firing 
on American forces.

The assault followed an early morning mortar attack on an American base 
on the outskirts of the city that slightly wounded one soldier. Three 
mortar rounds were fired on the encampment of the Second Battalion, 70th 
Armor, of the First Armored Division. It was the first mortar attack in 
Baghdad since the end of the war, according to a military intelligence 
officer at the scene.

The attacks came as the American military was preparing to send 
significant forces west of Baghdad to quell pockets of resistance in 
several cities. [Page A10.] The strikes indicate there is still armed 
resistance to the allied occupation within the capital, especially in 
the Adhamiya neighborhood where Mr. Hussein had climbed atop a vehicle 
and exhorted a crowd to resist American forces before he went into

The attacks occurred on the first day of an amnesty period for Iraqis to 
turn in heavy weapons to allied forces, an offer that few Baghdad 
residents seemed to have acted on today.



Sacked Iraqi Troops Threaten to Attack U.S. Forces

By Huda Majeed Saleh and Michael Georgy
Monday, June 2, 2003; 7:21 AM

BAGHDAD-- Thousands of sacked Iraqi soldiers marched on the U.S.-led 
administration on Monday and threatened to launch suicide attacks on 
American troops in Baghdad unless they were paid wages and compensation.

More than 3,000 angry soldiers from the disbanded Iraqi army massed 
outside the administration headquarters, in a presidential palace, 
shouting slogans and vowing a wave of attacks on U.S. troops unless they 
got their money.

"All of us will become suicide bombers," said Khairi Jassim, a former 
warrant officer. "I will turn my six daughters into bombs to kill the 

Paul Bremer, the U.S. civil administrator for Iraq, dissolved Saddam 
Hussein's armed forces, several security bodies and the defence ministry 
last month, firing 400,000 people.

Many protestors said they could no longer feed their families.

"I have only 750 dinars (60 U.S. cents) in my pocket. How can I feed my 
family? I have a crippled child who needs medicines," said Sabah 
Abdullah, also a former warrant officer.

Many demonstrators demanded that the Americans leave Iraq. Anger towards 
U.S. troops has boiled over into violence in parts of Iraq, which has 
descended into anarchy since the war ended with widespread looting and 
violence as well as power shortages.

By early afternoon around 300 angry protesters were still outside the 
palace, a line of U.S. soldiers blocking their advance.

"We will carry out attacks on the Americans and we will declare a jihad 
if our rights are not respected," said Mohan Qahtan, another former

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2309-2003Jun2.html

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